Name: ayram beltran
From: phoenix, Arizona
Votes: 0
Driver Education
Driving is a big responsibility; sadly, many people do not take it as seriously as they should. Driving is not only sitting and maneuvering the steering wheel. Laws and rules exist for various reasons, one of which is to protect ourselves and others from damage. For this reason, there are rules one should follow when driving to ensure a safe trip. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states, “motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death for 15- to 20-year-olds.” This specific fact scares me greatly because I am in the age group. I have seen young people getting intoxicated before getting behind a steering wheel, saying they are more than okay to drive. The truth is that they place themselves at risk because of not following the rules.
To begin with, driver education is an essential part of the art of driving. Similar to what we do in school, educating ourselves on how to safely and lawfully drive will give us the tools to prepare adequately to perform the task. According to studies, by adopting driver education, “you know exactly what certain consequences can come with your actions, are aware of the potential damage that comes with an accident, and are both more alert and more cautious while driving.” Even if theory varies from actual practice, we will know what is prohibited from doing while driving and reduce our chances of causing accidents that can lead to fatalities. It also gives you more confidence and a firmer sense of responsibility.
Then, there are many steps to reduce the number of driving-related deaths significantly. The most important thing is always to buckle up your seatbelts. It does not matter if you are going a square away. Anything can happen in that time. Drugs and alcohol impair people both physically and mentally. If an individual drives under the influence, they have a high chance of getting involved in a car accident. Driving while legally medicated with medicine to treat mental illnesses, allergies, or colds can also be dangerous. Many pills help the person to relax or get sleepy. Similarly to this, driving while we are exhausted puts us in danger. Every time we get in a car, it is vital to ensure we get enough rest to avoid sleeping while driving. Moreover, always respect the designed speed limit for specific areas. The speed limit changes from site to site; it is designed this way for a reason. Respecting this rule can save our lives and others’ well-being. Another crucial rule to always follow, regardless of the situation, is never to use cell phones while driving. Cell phones can be our death sentence if we utilize them while going. We cannot multitask; it is a myth. Driving requires our full attention; our eyes and other senses need to be focused on the road and surroundings. If someone calls you or sends you a message, they can wait. If it is important to respond, then park the car in a safe or designated area so you can do it.
Finally, I have seen and been involved in car accidents. Five years ago, I was personally involved in a car accident. My dad crashed into a car that passed the stoplight. Gratefully, no one was injured, but it was scary. A few months ago, I witnessed a car crash on the freeway. It happened closer to where I was. A vehicle was tailgating, and one car in front of them suddenly stopped because the traffic slowed. The car crashed because it did not have enough space to make a safe stop. Additionally, I have seen close family members driving irresponsibly. Since that day, I promised not to do the same. Every day I drive, I do everything I can to drive safely. I am always aware of my surroundings, never tailgate or use my cell phone while driving, follow the rules, and put my seatbelt on. I try to highlight to my friends or family members what they did wrong while driving so they can do it safely and not cause a car crash. I am always aware of the car and if it needs assistance before driving. I took a big responsibility when I chose to drive, so I must do it safely to ensure my well-being and safety. I hope more people follow my steps and thoughts so they can have a fun ride without provoking a fatality.
Works Cited
“Traffic Safety Facts.” National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Accessed 10 Mar. 2023.
Word Count: 738.