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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Driving Mindset

Name: Ryan Kinney
From: Tallahassee, Florida
Votes: 0

Driving Mindset

When we sit behind the wheel of a vehicle and get ready to put the vehicle in drive, we must ensure we are in the right mindset before entering the roadways. As drivers, we are responsible for our actions and taking the appropriate steps to ensure everyone’s safety in our vehicle should continue to be our top priority. Being a safe driver is about making the right choices and taking a leadership role to model safe driving habits and behaviors. Having a positive driving mindset is key to maintaining safe driving habits. This is my journey in developing a positive driving mindset to ensure my safety, the safety of everyone who rides with me, and the safety of other motorists on the roadways.

As I finished my freshman year of high school, I began to hear announcements about summer driving school opportunities. This week long experience would provide myself and other students with information about road safety and how to practice safe driving habits. There is also a virtual driver education course through Florida Virtual School that teaches students the Florida driving rules in an effort to help students prepare for earning their learning permit. I personally chose the virtual course route as I felt it would provide more direct instruction about road safety and the rules of the road since it was an eighteen week course. I believe driver education courses are a great resource to help students understand the responsibility they are assuming once they put the vehicle in drive and pull onto a public road. These courses are vital is teaching students the tools to be a responsible and safe driver. The extensive discussions and information prepares students for what they must do to be safe and how to adhere to the laws and rules established to help maintain safety.

Even though I practiced my driving skills with my mom, I felt I needed more instruction and training from a driving instructor. I signed up to practice with a certified driving instructor for several hours before taking my actual driving test. My local sheriff’s office also offered a driving course where they focused on safe driving practices and how to respond to various driving situations. I am so glad I took advantage of these driving educational opportunities as I wanted to ensure that I had the training and understanding to be a safe driver and reduce my chances of being in a car accident. While I have never been in a car accident, I have friends who have been in one and some that have been really hurt as a result. I do not desire to be in that situation or put my family and friends through that pain and stress.

To reduce my chances of being in a car accident, I can take steps to be a safe driver. First, I must put my cellphone away to limit my distractibility and the likelihood of ending up in a situation where I am texting while driving. Putting the device away will greatly reduce the urge to text while I am driving. Second, I must ensure that everyone in the vehicle, including myself, puts on their seatbelt. Wearing your seatbelt is a law in the State of Florida but research has proven that wearing a seatbelt can reduce your chance of major injury or dying as a result of a car accident. Third, I must encourage those riding with me to demonstrate appropriate passenger behavior to reduce distractive driving habits. If appropriate behaviors can not be maintained, I must take a firm leadership role that the vehicle will remain in park until the behaviors improve. Lastly, I must maintain awareness by keeping my eyes on the road at all times and the radio volume at an appropriate level. These are some of the steps I can take to be an example to those riding with me and to reduce the number of deaths as a result of car accidents and unsafe driving practices.

Leading by example is key as you are driving to ensure everyone’s safety on the roadways and in your personal care. While I am still a new driver, I am modeling appropriate driving practices to my friends and siblings who ride with me. My hope is that my safe driving practices will influence them to also be responsible and safe drivers when they begin driving. I firmly believe the driver education course and the practice sessions with a certified instructor increased my self-confidence and reinforced my safe driving habits. These instrumental experiences helped thoroughly prepare me and support my personal growth and overall driving mindset. I encourage everyone to think about their current driving practices and what steps they can take to positively impact our roadways. Together we can make a difference and if we all work to improve our driving mindset, we could see safe driving practices rise and accident rates decrease.