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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Someone Loves you, Drive Safe

Name: Kelci Boyd
From: Jackson , Mississippi
Votes: 0

Someone Loves you, Drive Safe

It is absolutely vital for both the individual motorist and the community as a whole to drive safely and responsibly. To become a better and safer driver and to assist others in becoming safer drivers on the road, there are a number of activities that may be followed.It not only helps make the road safer for other drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists, but it also ensures the safety of the driver. The important steps of being a safe driver is you driving for not only yourself, but for others also, the distractions that cause more deaths day by day, and finally the behavior.

Driver’s education can be beneficial to a new driver or even an experienced one. Driver’s education teaches you about proper speed limits, the risks associated with driving while intoxicated and distracted, the necessity of wearing seat belts, maintaining a safe following distance, and the effects of alcohol abuse while driving, which result in a staggering number of fatal accidents each year.

Many variables, such as rising alcohol use, lax enforcement, attitudes regarding drunk driving, drug addiction, and a lack of education, have contributed to the rise in impaired driving in America. There are increasing cases of drunk driving as a result of the increased availability and consumption of alcohol. Several states don’t police their laws against drunk driving enough, enabling people to keep driving while inebriated. Some people continue to engage in this risky conduct despite being aware of the consequences of drunk driving. That’s also important because if you handle a car disrespectfully and don’t respect the power that comes with being behind the wheel, lives will be lost. When individuals are instructed to appreciate a vehicle’s power, the number of fatalities is decreased. I know a lot of people who do not understand the significance of driving safely when I travel down the street and observe automobiles speeding wildly along the interstate.

Bad roads can also be a big problem in unsafe driving.Constructing safer roads and enhancing traffic signs and signals; enforcing traffic regulations with harsher fines for offenders to discourage risky conduct and lower accident rates; encouraging the use of seatbelts via public awareness efforts, which can significantly lower the risk of harm or death in the case of a collision; preventing distracted driving by passing rules that forbid texting and driving and other types of distraction from the road; promoting responsible drinking by toughening laws against drunk driving and raising public understanding of the dangers of roads.

I have had my own learning experience of being in a car accident. Christmas day actually and my car was parked in the driveway. It was a holiday, so of course everyone had their families over and the cars were packed all down the street. I got in the car, turned up my music and started back out, but before I even got in the car, I saw the car that had parked in front of my mailbox. Me, backing out, I hit the car and I was too stunned to speak. I was afraid and also disappointed in myself. I had worked so hard on getting my first car and I crashed it one month later. I learned that I needed to start paying more attention and paying attention to my surroundings. The music does not always have to be so loud and I learned that also. My life is more important than loud music and distractions. That day, I learned my lesson and in my life today, I drive with care and patience.

As a growing driver, I have learned the responsibilities and the safety of being behind a wheel. I know exactly what to do and what information to ask the other driver for in the event of an accident. Proper driving practices help you prevent collisions, which save you money on repairs. At the end of the day, you have control over your own automobile and your own driving habits but you have no control over other drivers.

Overall, taking a driver’s education course is highly recommended for everyone who wants to learn to drive because it will teach them the necessary abilities and knowledge. Maintaining safe roads for everyone depends on everyone abiding by fundamental regulations like driving while intoxicated, wearing your seatbelt, and not using a mobile device. The most essential thing to do to lessen the amount of accidents and fatalities caused by driving is to drive safely yourself and to urge others to do the same.