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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – The Rule That Can Save Your Life

Name: Annaiz Portillo
From: Broomfield, Colorado
Votes: 0

The Rule That Can Save Your Life

As you stare at the red light you don’t know whether or not you can turn right, however, you saw the car in front of you do it, which means you can definitely turn right. You finally decide you can turn right because this stop light is like every other stop light, but once you turn right a car turns the corner quickly and crashes into you. Little mistakes like these cause deaths every day from inexperienced drivers to people who have been driving for years. These mistakes happen because drivers did not receive the education on driving that they needed. Driver education is important because knowing the rules can save your life or another driver’s life. Driving is not only about how well you can steer but it’s about knowing the rules and knowing when you can merge or when you can turn. As people drive they risk their lives every day because a driver who may not know the rules can crash into them no matter how safe that person may be driving. Knowing the simplest rules when it comes to driving can reduce the number of deaths when it comes to driving because most accidents happen because a driver doesn’t know what they’re doing and makes the wrong choice which results in the death of a child, adult, or teenager. Educating new drivers on the right way to drive the roads will become safer for everyone who gets in a car every morning.

Imagine one day a parent has to tell their child that their father, aunt, or sibling will never come home again because they died in a car accident. I have never experienced being in a car accident, but I have been one of those children whose parents told them their aunt would never return. No child ever wants to go through that and realize if the driver drove just a little bit safer their aunt could still be alive and there with them on the holidays, however, that is not our reality. Our reality is that people die from irresponsible driving every day. People who have lost someone from reckless driving live every day asking themselves what if the driver was more careful, what if they waited five more seconds at the light them they would have never been hit? The consequences of driving irresponsibly are much more severe than any driver believes they are because when a person is a new driver they never consider what would happen if they get into an accident or kill someone by crashing into them. Informing new drivers of the consequences can change the mindset of drivers.

To be a safe and responsible driver and to help others is by never driving under the influence because you may feel okay driving, but one mistake may end your life and the life of the person who’s sitting next to you. Driving the speed limit is also another way to drive safely because even though it may seem like the speed limit is too slow the speed limit is there to save your life and the people around you. The speed limit allows people to feel safe on the road and guarantee that everyone driving can get home safely. As a teen driver, I have seen many of my friends speeding because they think they’re unstoppable, but they really aren’t. I’ve seen accidents in my school parking lot because a new driver thought it would be a good idea to speed through the parking lot. New drivers need to realize that the speed limit is not a suggestion it’s a rule to help drivers stay safe. Following the speed limit is extremely important and is the first step to making the road safe for everyone.

A person’s seatbelt is another thing that can prevent someone from becoming extremely hurt when they are in an accident. To be a safe driver a person should always put their seatbelt on and make sure every single one of their passengers has their seatbelt on. A seatbelt may be uncomfortable but it can save many lives which is why wearing a seatbelt is extremely important. Wearing your seatbelt may seem like something everyone just automatically does, but many people don’t wear their seatbelts. A seatbelt can prevent a person from being thrown out of the car or hitting their head on a hard surface in the car. Without a seatbelt, a person is exposed to many casualties that can be avoided as long as they have their seatbelt on. Another extremely important rule that drivers should follow is to use their blinkers. When a driver uses their blinker they are letting other drivers know that they’re changing lanes. This helps other drivers, but when people don’t use their blinkers drivers are unaware of what they are doing. Blinkers, seatbelts, and following the speed limit may seem like easy rules to follow, yet many drivers do not follow these rules. Many lives are lost every day because people decide to ignore these rules. Following these rules can be the first step to making the road safe for yourself and others.

Driver education is important and should be a requirement for new drivers because many new drivers are given their licenses and don’t know all the rules. For example one of my friends thought you could make a left turn at a red light as long as there are no cars coming. This shows how clueless drivers are and why they need to be educated on the rules of driving. Driver education can save lives and should be something that all drivers learn. The roads need to become safer for all drivers and the first step to this is by educating new and old drivers.