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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Driver Education and Road Safety

Name: Carley Marion
From: Manchester, NH
Votes: 0

Driver Education and Road Safety

Driver education plays a very important role in reducing the number of deaths on the roads. It is essential for drivers of all ages to understand the rules of the road, the consequences of reckless driving, and the importance of following proper safety protocols. Through driver education, drivers are able to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to make responsible decisions while on the road. New drivers may see driver education as another barrier to slow them down from getting behind the wheel of their first car, and may not take it as seriously as they should. To me, this is akin to a doctor who cheats on all of their exams and then attempts surgery, it is entirely unsafe. It is absolutely necessary to take driver education seriously and it is the responsibility of all drivers to stay knowledgeable and up-to-date on traffic laws.

One of the most effective ways to reduce the number of deaths related to driving is to practice defensive driving. Defensive driving involves driving in a way that allows for the best possible protection of oneself and others on the road. This can include following the speed limit, avoiding distractions, and being aware of changing road conditions. It is also important to stay alert and aware of other drivers and their behavior, as well as your own behavior. Road rage, while mostly joked about, can lead to serious injuries both in and outside of vehicles while on the road.

Another way to reduce the number of deaths related to driving is to wear a seatbelt every time you get into a car. Seatbelts are one of the most effective and simple ways to protect yourself in the event of an accident. Wearing a seatbelt can reduce the likelihood of serious injury if an accident does occur, but even then it is not entirely guaranteed that you will avoid injury. This is why it is extremely important to utilize the most possible ways that you can to ensure that you are being safe, defensive, and aware of your surroundings.

My own personal experience with car accidents has taught me the importance of driving responsibly. I have had the unfortunate experience of very close friends and family members passing away as a result of reckless driving. In these incidents, the accidents were caused both by the fault of the person lost, as well as things that were completely beyond their control. I have also been in multiple, albeit less serious, car accidents as a passenger myself. I have witnessed firsthand the results of not paying attention, being too comfortable while driving, and being distracted while behind the wheel. Due to these experiences, I did not drive or attempt to get my license until I was almost 24 years old. Simply sitting behind the wheel of a car would cause me to panic and seek to exit as quickly as possible. I have worked and still work very hard to keep myself as comfortable as possible when not only behind the wheel of a car, but as a passenger, as well. Even still with all of these experiences, and even though I have shared these horrible memories with my friends and family, I have still witnessed others that drive carelessly while I am in the car with them, and it is heart-breaking and shocking to witness. It is so extremely important to be aware not only of the surroundings beyond your car, but also not to let your attention drift from within it, as well.

In order to be a better and safer driver as well as help others become safer on the road, I have taken a few steps. I have committed to driving defensively, avoiding distractions, and following the speed limit. When driving, I also make a point to check my blind spots and remain aware of the other drivers on the road. Additionally, I have encouraged my friends and family members to become more conscious of their driving habits and to take the necessary steps to ensure their safety, by either putting down their phones or turning down loud, distracting music. I have also asked for friends and family members to share their locations with me when possible, so that I am able to keep an eye on them and ensure they are able to reach their destinations safely.

In conclusion, driver education plays an important role in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving. Practicing defensive driving and wearing a seatbelt are two of the most effective ways to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. My own experience with car accidents has made me more aware of the importance of driving safely and responsibly. I have taken steps to become a better and safer driver, as well as help others become safer on the road, and I can only hope that in the future the rest of the driving population decides to do the same.