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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – The Importance of Driver Education

Name: Kiya Lighten
From: Killeen, TX
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driver Education

The purpose of driver education is to lay down the rules and laws on the road to ensure everyone’s safety. That way, when a person wants to learn how to drive, they will get the basic foundations of the wrongs and rights of the road. Many people who would instead not follow the rules have a higher chance of getting into a car accident. Today, many people who cause accidents are speeding, texting, or intoxicated. It is essential to spread more awareness about driving so that the death rate from driving lowers.

Everyone must learn about driving education so they do not make silly mistakes that will cost them their lives. For example, knowing the rules of the road can lower a person’s chances of getting killed or seriously injured from driving. Driver education teaches essential lessons like street signs, traffic lights, and defensive driving skills. Those skills cannot be self-taught because people do not even know what a protective left turn is at a traffic light. If driver education did not exist, everyone would start making their own rules on the road. It would result in people who are less skillful at driving having a more challenging time learning to drive.

The first step is to bring awareness to teenagers since that target group has a higher chance of getting into accidents. The media is a way to get through to teens to bring forward the message. Using platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok can help them get a better understanding. Somebody can post videos on the media giving lessons and stories on what to do and not to do while driving. There can be many topics, like drinking and driving or texting and driving. If these videos get posted, they can reach teens and teach them the dangers of the road. From there, it gives them a sense of reality that they risked their own lives if they did not follow the rules.

In March 2022, my older brother Tyree got into a severe accident driving on the highway, and this was not his first accident. Since Tyree got his driver’s license, he has had multiple back-to-back car accidents. It had gotten so bad that he totaled his first car within the first year of having it. My mom has always warned him that he needed to be more cautious when driving, but he never listened. After totaling his first car, he got another one, but his reckless driving did not stop. He still proceeded to go over 20 mph on the roads causing him to get speeding tickets. Tyree also caused himself to get water damage to his car, and my parents threatened to kick him off the car insurance, but it was not enough to get him to stop.

On March 23rd, 2022, Tyree was driving home from work and decided to merge onto the highway. While that was happening, he was not looking back to see if another car was coming while merging. A car was indeed there, which caused that car to cut him off and hit Tyree, causing his vehicle to swerve off the highway and tumble into a ditch. A witness called the ambulance due to my brother’s broken leg, a gash in the other leg, and some cuts on his face. From that day to now, Tyree has realized the importance of driving safely and has maintained a clean driving record.

A step that I can take to become a better driver is always to be self-aware of the drivers around me. Since everyone does not drive cautiously, I must prepare for anything to go wrong on the road. Maintaining strong defensive driving skills can keep me from getting hurt by another driver or causing an accident. I can help others become safer on the road when I am a passenger in the car; I can remind the driver about the basics of driving. For example, ensure everybody has on a seatbelt or turn their headlights on to see the other cars. Taking small steps like this can make me and the other people in the car feel safer.

As a driver today, I have learned that only some on the road have remembered all the rules of the road. So, as I continue to drive to more places, especially unfamiliar ones, I always need to pay attention. From the experience of my brother’s car accident, I now know how serious driving can get. Teenagers must also get taught early to avoid silly road mistakes when they enter adulthood. It is best to remember that it is better to drive smartly than recklessly.