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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Drivers Ed 101

Name: Jada Nicole Pinckney
From: Montclair, NJ
Votes: 31

Drivers Ed 101

Driving can be the most thrilling, relaxing, independent, anxious, or even grateful experience that drivers go through every time they get behind a wheel. One thing every driver can agree on is that being a safe driver is the number one rule on the road. Some people choose not to drive simply because of the dangerous outcomes of crashes. According to the New Jersey Driver manual, the reason behind car accidents can vary from weather conditions, work zones, and a motorist’s poor decision-making. These factors can be reduced with proper mechanisms, but these discussions should still take place and take action.

It all starts with driving education, which is usually taught in high school. If the student plans on driving when they get older, they should take the course seriously and learn. Primarily since everything taught will soon be implemented once all the other steps, in receiving a license, are completed. Students should also take advantage of the course by asking as many questions as they can ensuring they understand everything. Reflecting on my experience with getting my license I would definitely change some decisions I made. I should have taken more practice tests and focused more on the class to get a better understanding of the driving concepts. When it was my time to take the course in high school, I had to do it over zoom, due to the pandemic. This made it harder for me to concentrate and not get the proper attention from my instructor. Resulting in my failing the knowledge test the first time. After proper studying, I finally passed moving on to receive my permit and prepare for my road test. Another important aspect of driving education is where your test will be located. Certain locations do things differently such as having their own course, going on the road, or only covering some driving skills. Personally, I think all locations should try and have their test held on the road to get a better idea of how the driver will do. Or if their own course is available go over every skill set a driver needs like k-turn, reversing, and parallel parking.

Once you obtain your driver’s license, you should take certain precautions to lessen the incidence of traffic-related fatalities. The entire time a driver should be aware and alert. Simple things like reading signs and signaling before switching lanes can decrease some accidents. A motorist’s attention should solely be on the road so turning your phone on do not disturb can help with fewer distractions. A vital step that can reduce deaths related to driving is not driving while impaired. Driving under the influence can affect the motorist’s reaction time, 9/10 resulting in deadly accidents.

Either being the cause or victim of a car accident can be stressful and/or terrifying. I remember a few years ago my best friend and I were involved in a car accident with an uber driver. The roads were wet, it was dark out and he was on the highway driving to our destination until he made a wrong turn and tried to correct himself. Instead, he ended up losing control of the vehicle and we spun into a ditch. Everything happened so fast all I remember doing was bracing myself for the worst, but luckily no one was injured, and we got to our destination safely in a new vehicle with another driver. In my opinion, I don’t think the uber driver was being reckless he just made a poor decision. I believe I have seen enough reckless driving from some family and friends to know the difference between the two. Meaning I have witnessed drivers run red lights, go way over the speed limit, or even do illegal U-turns. These actions they have taken part in have not caused injuries or serious damage to anyone’s vehicle however, that doesn’t make them right or acceptable because they got away with it.

Being a better and safer driver is a process I try to take part in every time I get behind the wheel. It’s so easy that any driver can follow these steps. The first step is making sure the vehicle you plan on driving is safe enough for the road. Some drivers deal with their automobiles having some type of troubles despite that some maintenance shouldn’t be overlooked. It is a driver’s responsibility to make sure all lights and tires are working including brakes and engine. The second step is driving in a vehicle you are comfortable driving in. For others, it might be challenging to control a big or small vehicle because they’re not used. Their reaction time or parking may be affected in conducting a vehicle they aren’t familiar with. The last step to safer driving is watching out for pedestrians. I know it may sound easy but there are times it can get difficult or frustrating. A good tip to remember is if you are aware, you will be driving in a busy area, such as school zones, pay extra attention to your surroundings. One thing to remember about driving is that it’s a privilege, not a right.