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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Drivers Education

Name: Ryan Kim
From: Highlands Ranch, CO
Votes: 0

Drivers Education

Drivers Education Saves Lives

Drivers Education is important for numerous reasons. It is important to take drivers education seriously because it can help keep people and yourself safe on the roads. It can help reduce the risk of death and improve safety because it can help educate you on the rules of the roads. Knowing the rules of the roads will not only benefit others but also yourself. It can help this because when you’re driving you will be more aware and drive to be safe and not harm anyone without driving. When in an unexpected situation or dangerous situation you will be able to stay calm because you know the rules and how to deal with any situation that is thrown at you. If you’re educated on drivers education then you can know the knowledge and help teach people who aren’t very good drivers or who aren’t that educated on drivers education, so that they could become better drivers and help reduce the risk of death when driving. It can teach you skills to become a better driver and know how to solve a problem without hesitation. I think the most important thing of why drivers education is important because it will teach you the laws when driving. The laws of driving is important to know because it will help you not get injured and help reduce the risk of others becoming injured. Knowing the rules will not only keep you safe it will also reduce the cost of accidents that you have to pay. Knowing the laws will help you be prepared and confident when you are in an accident.

There are many ways to help reduce the deaths for driving. One way to reduce this is to always make sure everyone’s buckled and keep reminded them to do so that they can not get severely hurt or have no injuries if in an accident. We can put away any distractions that might cause you to be a hazard when driving. Some distractions could be playing music too loud, checking text messages or being on the phone with somebody. When traveling far distances you can make sure to have a designated driver so that you can rest if ever feeling tired or sick. We can also make sure to never drive after drinking alcohal or using any drugs. This causes tons of problems because those kind of drivers aren’t alert and aware when driving which causes other drivers to be at a bigger risk to die or be injured if in a car accident. Another thing we can do to help reduce the number of deaths when driving is to practice defensive driving. Defensive driving practice include being prepared for any unexpected situations and also teach you to imajine and think that everyone on the road is drunk. Practicing defensive driving will help you become fully alert and drive safely whenever you drive. Being aware of the weather is also another thig that is important to know if we want to reduce the number of deaths when driving. Learning how to drive in diffferent weathers will help you stay calm whenever there is bad weather. This is because you will know how to handle this situation and you won’t be stress, and become an aggressive and reckless driver which can cause fatal accidents. Making sure your car is safe and not broken and also maintaining visibility is another step that can help. Making sure you’re car is in good condition will make you confident that nothing will happen to you or others when driving. Maintaining visibility will help you see all of your surroundings when driving throught the whole day. When driving you can also put distance between your car and the one infront of you to help you stop safely and not be reactive if you need to stop suddenly. I have been in a couple accidents before one’s that others were at fault and ones that was my parents fault. I have however never been in an accident when I was personally driving. The one’s that others were at fault was because they were going to fast and wasn’t prepared to stop at a red light and we got hit from the back of us. The one were my parents were at fault was because my dad was distracted and on a phone call when driving and didn’t see the car infront of us stopped.

There is many ways for me to help reduce the number of deaths caused by driving. One way to review the laws of the road and the rules at the end of every month. This will help me memorize them and remember them whenever I am driving. I can also be aware of how I am feeling and know that when I am not feeling good or tired to not drive because it can cause other drivers to be at risk if I drive. I can help others by teaching them that driving is a privilege and can’t be taked so lightly because it’s a big responsibility to have. If they know this them they will take driving safely seriously and will help them become better drivers.