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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Taken Too Soon

Name: Annika Gianascoli
From: Virginia Beach, VA
Votes: 0

Taken Too Soon

Suddenly the world stood still. Five years without my inspiration, my Granny. Every emotion floods together at once. I want her back, to hug her and love her. I want to show her who I’ve grown to be and who I am today. I want her to know how I’ve spent this past year. She left this world tragically and too soon.

It was June 4th, 2018, at 4 am, when I heard the pounding on my front door and saw flashing red and blue lights outside my window. That was the day I found out that an intoxicated man decided to get behind the wheel and make a poor choice that would permanently alter the lives of her family and friends.

I didn’t want to accept that it would be the last time I saw her when I hugged her goodbye that night. I was in denial. I wanted to see her face when I told her about my accomplishments and final year of high school. The next stage of grief I approached was anger. My grandmother was my best friend, and our relationship was extraordinary. The fact that she would no longer be able to watch me play the sport I loved most made me furious.

Bargaining was the next phase I went through. When I am in pain, it’s tough to accept things I can’t control. I promised myself that I would never do anything wrong if I could have my Granny back. Then I fell deep into the next stage of depression. I spent more time in this stage than the others. How can I continue my life when she doesn’t continue hers anymore? It felt like the world stopped when I lost one of the most influential people in my life. What made it even harder was the fact that it was due to the simple act of driving, and it worried me because I was about to be eligible to drive.

The stages of grief continued until I arrived at the final destination, acceptance. I continue to hear the haunting pounding at the front door, but I have accepted that one day I will see her again. I always felt nervous about college and being accepted by others in a very different environment until I gained the independence and confidence that my grandmother always taught me. I will continue to live by her words, “You will be better doing something alone as long as you have the confidence to do so.”

These five stages of grief have allowed me to recognize my faults and become my own individual. I learned to cope with tragedy and move on. I’ve learned the importance of not holding grudges and of telling my loved ones how much they mean to me because one never knows what may happen at any moment. I am thankful every day and remember to cherish every moment. This tragedy has taught me the importance of driver safety, and I’ve finally built up the confidence to overcome my fear of thoughtless actions behind the wheel.

Driver education is an important factor in keeping the roads safe and reducing the number of deaths in car accidents. I can’t express the amount of reckless and careless drivers I have seen on the road around me since I got my license. As a young driver who does not have many years of experience, I don’t want to be at risk of getting hurt because of irresponsible drivers who aren’t well-educated. In order to avoid dangerous driving behaviors, one needs to be properly instructed on the significant responsibilities that come with a driver’s license.

The implementation of a driver’s education program is a crucial aspect of maintaining the safety of the driver, passenger, and other cars in close proximity. Students should be aware of the potential dangers of driving so that they understand the responsibilities that come with this privilege.

Some examples of irresponsible driving are reckless driving, driving while under the influence, and distracted driving. There is no reason for one to drive irresponsibly because it’s unacceptable, and the laws aren’t strict enough to convince someone not to drive like this again, which puts people’s lives at risk. Everyone needs to receive the appropriate training and take the necessary steps to become a secure driver in order to guarantee safety and decrease the number of fatalities brought on by vehicles.

Living in Virginia my whole life, I have experienced frequent fluctuations in the weather. Whether it’s a hot summer day or a hail storm, it is important to be aware of the environmental circumstances. No matter what state you live in, everyone should be aware of the best driving practices for various weather situations in order to become a safer and better driver. In every type of weather condition, it is important to keep a reasonable space between each car. An important acronym I learned from my education course is TTR which stands for Tires Touching Road. This ensures that the driver maintains the correct distance between cars by being able to see the car’s tires in front of you touching the road.

Unfortunately, I have not been surrounded by safe and responsible drivers. The loss of my grandmother has increased my worries about driving, especially thinking about how my family can be put into dangerous situations by reckless actions. My last words to her were, “I love you, drive safely, and goodnight.” Even though that phrase sounds cliche, you never know when you will lose someone. This tragic event shook my entire family, and we all came to the realization that a significant change needed to be made to the driver’s education in order to keep the roads a safe environment.