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Name: Abraham O Iyahen
From: COLUMBIA, Missouri
Votes: 0


Driving is an activity carried out by many people daily. this enables people move easily and access many opportunities. There is a level of risk that comes with driving. Driving impacts public health and the society.

Importance of drivers’ education cannot be overemphasized especially with the number of injuries and deaths that occur annually from driving. A survey carried out shows that tens of thousands of people die yearly from injuries from accidents. A lot of these unnecessary injuries and death can be avoided with proper driving practice on the road thereby eliminating bad driving habits. The right knowledge will help to operate vehicles safely and responsibly.

This essay explores the importance of driver education in reducing death and injuries from driving. It also provides a foundation for drivers to understand the risk and responsibilities that comes with driving. Drivers’ education helps drivers learn skills to control a vehicle safely, maneuver through various road conditions, identify and avoid hazards. It also helps drivers know the importance of over-speeding, drugs, and alcohol.

During drivers’ education classes, topics such as road design and infrastructure are taught. The importance of seat belt is also emphasized; this is one of the most effective safety device in driving. A lot of death has occurred during driving which could have been avoided if the person had used his seat belt and adhered to basic driving rules

Maintenance of vehicles also play a very major role in avoiding car accident. A lot of people are careless in maintaining their cars. An accident happened to me on the highway a while ago. A woman driving her car discovered that there was no water in her radiator and hence the car was overheating. She parked the car by the road, the road and decided to put some coolant in her car radiator. Unfortunately, the car started rolling down the slope at a very fast speed and rammed into the vehicle I was driving. All these could have been avoided if proper car maintenance was done to the car. It was later discovered that her breaks were faulty. Regular car maintenance can help reduce accidents by identifying problems the car has so the owners can ensue the car is in good working condition before it is used on the highway.

People should also avoid the distraction from electronic devices while driving a car. Utilizing electronic devices while driving is a major cause of road accidents especially among young people. They get distracted using their devices and with this level of distraction, their concentration on the road wanes and this results in an accident.

A lot of accident also occurs when the driver is under the influence of alcohol. Their reflexes are slower and can’t respond as sharply as they should. This is a very major hazard that should be avoided while driving. Drivers should also be aware of their environment and drive defensively. This means they are aware of other drivers on the road and anticipate potential hazards. By this form of driving, they can avoid accidents and keep themselves safe. One important thing to keep in mind while driving defensively is to imagine that one is the only sane driver on the road, that way one will pay attention to other cars and ensure they are driving safely while being cautious of others.

Being a responsible passenger can also help others to be safe on the road. One can encourage the drivers to follow safety practices such as using the seat belt and avoiding distracted driving. They should also offer support and encouragement to drivers who are anxious or nervous behind the wheel.

A lot of driver education programs are out dated and fail to adequately prepare drivers for the challenges of modern driving. The schools need to be more comprehensive and up to date covering topics such as defensive driving, safe driving practices and dangers of distracted driving.

Another very important step to reduce death related driving is to improve road design and infrastructure. Many accidents are caused by poor road design such as blind corners or inadequate highway. By proper road design and infrastructure, we can make our road safer and reduce the risk of accident. Introduction of roundabout, speed reducing measures, proper signage will also go a long way to making roads safer and reduce accidents.

In conclusion, driver education is an essential element in reducing death or injuries related to driving. This can be done by improving driver’s education programs, road design, infrastructure and individuals taking steps to become safer drivers. It is our responsibility to ensure that the roads are safe thereby preventing unnecessary accidents and death that occurs from careless driving.