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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – 2023 Drivers Ed Essay Contest

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2023 Drivers Ed Essay Contest

Fire trucks and sirens roaring through my neighborhood is somewhat now the norm. It is not uncommon to hear it all day long but yesterday was different. Text messages beaming through my phone 3 killed two lights away from my home. The explanation was that they were speeding and wearing no seat belts. We hear horror stories all day long but when it’s close and kids you are familiar with it hits home differently. Picked up my niece from school with her face swollen from sobs that she endured all day long as the instructor and other kids shared the story of what seemed to be the neighborhood nightmare.

My Psychology professor shared a picture from her kid’s high school that showed backpacks, maybe 100 of them laid on the courts for kids to look at while they were told the story that those backpacks were once owned by kids their age or maybe a bit older. All died as a result of accidents. This was extremely powerful and I do believe although not pleasant we need to remind the young adults of the dangers and possibilities that exist. It is not a video game but real life situations that no one is totally obsolete from.

The value of life has to be instilled with even more grace. For many, we may think it may not happen to us but we may not be the one acting carelessly, unfortunately we can-God forbid the one or car that is hit by a reckless driver causing much harm or fatality. Driver Education is not just for beginners but probably should be required much more often. My son at 17 yrs old refuses to even take his permit test and has no interest in driving. For my household maybe I instilled so much fear he has lost all interest. Many parents however do feel grateful for programs like Uber etc. where driving options are more convenient than taking the bus but even that has its negative, it can be quite costly.

Mabe children within a certain age bracket should not be allowed to drive on the freeway or highways the first year of obtaining their license to drive. Not discounting the fact that accidents occur within the neighborhood statistically I am sure the numbers are less. Risky behaviors or acting “cool” can be a big factor in taking responsibility behind the wheel and she comes with some type of punishment when found guilty of engaging in such risky behaviors.

Sound a tune or simply a rhythm in your imagination music and other forms of technology have a great impact on disturbances while driving. Unconsciously we associate sound with a mental picture or an experience we wish to have or have had which can distract from our concentration on the road while in control of a vehicle. It is often said that we march to our own beat or that we should but some things need guidance. Nature or nurture another comparison we can look at as forms of influences. The environment can have a greater influence on how the teenage drivers react. Interpretation can somewhat influence who we are, how we view the world or simply how we encompass the lives we create for ourselves. Inspiration for behavior patterns different for all and for many despite principles instilled in them from young the environment or current cultural beliefs can impact the behavior behind the wheel. I often wonder how much of that influence comes from our individual IQ. What moves us, what drives us or simply what makes us tick. The rising of the sun, the stillness of the trees or the sound of the birds chirping are things that move me. This is a time I dwell in the moment and my creative juices begin to flow the most. Strikingly enough, different times of the day may lead me to different thoughts and feelings that create for me a different reality. Moods can have an impact, imagine getting behind the wheel while upset you feel indispensable and thus your driving may in fact be a reflection of that. Does this or can this have an influence on the attention paid to the streets before me while driving or the impact they may have on other humans as well. Life is valuable beyond measure and many lives are either changed or impacted by every accident that take place, whether its fatal or simply fender benders. We should value not only the car but each breath we take while driving or even being a passenger. Lets not forget being a passenger in the vehicle can also be impactful on the safety the driver is able to protrude. Do not be a distraction, all lives matter.