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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driver Education is Essential to Saving Lives

Name: Randall Silver
From: San Diego, CA
Votes: 0

Driver Education is Essential to Saving Lives

As a 21st-century society, we are lucky that we have cars today to aid our everyday life transportation needs! Throughout history, this has not been the case. Transportation first started as horse-drawn carriages that allowed people to travel between villages. As technology advanced, this turned to trains, allowing for further and longer travel. Starting in the 20th century, cars allowed individuals to own their ability to travel. However, only the wealthy could afford this. As the 20th century went on and the technology in cars advanced, it become more affordable for every family to own a car. Today, cars are a mainstay of our society with ranges of individuals as young as 16 to individuals in their later stages of life being able to drive one. No matter your age or years of experience driving, one thing remains vital for all. Driver education plays a crucial role in reducing the number of deaths resulting from driving, which is essential to saving lives.

Firstly, we all need knowledge of traffic laws and regulations as these can differ based on local, county, state, and country regulations. Driver education programs provide essential knowledge about your local traffic laws, regulations, and road signs. By understanding and adhering to these rules, drivers can make informed decisions and reduce the likelihood of accidents. One example is when a driver drives in a new country, it’s imperative they understand the specific laws and road signs to ensure the safety of not just themselves, but others on the road.

When I was young, I traveled to England with my family. I was shocked we were driving on the wrong side of the road as the UK designated to the left side and Americans on the right. I was worried in the backseat that my parents were going to get in a car crash but they explained this is the norm in the UK and they had prepared themselves for the differences in UK and American driving regulations. This protected us and those on the road from a head-on accident that could result in death.

Moreover, developing proper driving skills is essential to protecting yourself, the passengers in your car, and others on the road. This is why driver education programs focus on teaching individuals the necessary skills to become competent and safe drivers. These programs cover various aspects of driving, such as vehicle control, defensive driving techniques, and maneuvering in different road conditions. When drivers are not practicing these techniques, this is when you hear of car accidents that lead to death.

One instance of this is when 4 peers at a high school in my hometown of Irvine, California died in a car accident. They were going 100+ MPH on a city street when the driver lost control of the wheel, the car flipped many times and ended at its final resting spot when it hit a tree and lit up in flames. This shocked and devastated our hometown. I did not know these 4 people but had many friends who did. This could have been easily prevented had the car not been going 100+ MPH. This type of reckless driving is not taught in driver’s education school so it’s important once driver education school is over, individuals follow these learnings for the safety of them, passengers in their cars, and those on the road alongside them.

To me, the most important aspect of driving is driving in a sober state. Impaired driving refers to operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of substances that impair one’s ability to drive safely. Substances that cause impaired driving typically include alcohol, illegal drugs, and certain medications. As a result of impaired driving, a driver’s ability, judgment, coordination, reaction time, and driving abilities are hindered. The most common form of impaired driving is driving under the influence of alcohol, often referred to as drunk driving. Consuming alcohol can impair a person’s motor skills, ability to concentrate, make rational decisions, and react quickly.

When I was a senior in high school, I participated in Every 15 Minutes. The Every 15 Minutes program is a two-day program focusing on high school juniors and seniors, which challenges them to think about drinking, driving, personal safety, the responsibility of making mature decisions, and the impact their decisions have on family, friends, their community, and many others. Day 1 I was a part of this program with 15 other students where we were in the reenactment of a drunk driving accident. I was pronounced dead. I was taken to a morgue where I was intake as I had passed away. My parents had to write an obituary for me that was ready throughout the school. My parents were visited by the police at our house being told I had died in a drunk driving accident. It was emotional for all involved. The next day at our school, there was a big presentation in our gym where they talked about drunk driving and its effects. I gave a speech about what my experience was like in front of the school. Overall, these experiences impacted me significantly to never want to drink and drive. It’s important that programs like Every 15 Minutes are taught to all ages of people to ensure they are aware of the consequences of making bad decisions when they drive irresponsibly.

Unfortunately, this did not have the same effect on my older brother. He received a DUI at 20 years old as he went through a DUI checkpoint and was caught. Of course, he was under the age of drinking as well. Luckily, nobody was injured or died in this decision to drive drunk. The effects of the DUI turned his life upside down. First, the financial implications were astronomical. It cost him $10,000+ which included legal fees, fines, and other costs related to the DUI. He had to drop out of college to get a job to pay for these fees. Secondly, he could not drive for years which resulted in him having to take public transportation or rely on others to drive him where he needed to go. This created a massive burden on those around him. And lastly, the mental toll this took on him resulted in him being hooked on drugs and a further downturn in his life. For me, this further cemented that I will not ever do such a thing and ensure I am a safe driver always, practicing safe driving techniques. In addition, if anybody I am around will try to drive impaired, I will vocalize the consequences of this decision and do my best to take their keys.

Impaired driving can have devastating effects long beyond the act of that one instance of driving and needs to be prevented at all costs.

Driver education plays a pivotal role in reducing the number of deaths resulting from driving by imparting essential knowledge of traffic laws and regulations, promoting responsible attitudes and behaviors, and developing proper driving skills. These programs enable drivers to make informed decisions and take appropriate precautions about when they should be driving. The personal experiences in my life detailed above have developed me into the informed and safe driver I am today. In conclusion, improper driving can have significant effects beyond just the driver, impacting passengers in the car and other drivers on the road. This is why driver education is essential to saving lives.