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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Drivers Education and the benefit it holds

Name: Ethan Rian Lochowicz
From: Hemet, California
Votes: 0

Drivers Education and the benefit it holds

Driver’s Education is an important factor in driving today, and as someone who is going through it right now, I can attest to that. In recent weeks, I have been experiencing the wonders and dangers of driving a vehicle on the open road and jokingly critiquing how my parents drive using my newly acquired knowledge. The knowledge that I wouldn’t have fully understood and utilized if it wasn’t for Driver’s Ed.

The importance of Driver’s Ed is excellent, in that it gives new and nervous drivers the proper understanding of the road and its laws. This makes the new driver less of an asset to those around them, and their families. Families are stripped away by people not paying attention, who are driving under the influence of mind-altering substances, or who are just irresponsible. Driver’s Ed can help teach new drivers how to react to and assess situations, as well as instill good driving habits that may contribute to saving a mother and father the pain of not being able to say goodbye. The Seattle Times provides a quote from Sen. Marko Liias, which reads “Young drivers who don’t receive driver’s ed are unfortunately some of the most likely in the whole state to be involved in the fatal and serious crashes,” and this is backed up by a statistic that says “The Washington Traffic Safety Commission estimates those who had not completed a course had a 70% higher rate of injury or death.” and “…people who got their license at 18 were 50% more likely to get into a crash in their first year of driving than those who got their license at 16.” The most important step that needs to be taken to reduce the number of deaths on the road is to get educated about being behind the wheel.

I am lucky enough to have never been involved in a car accident, however, I know people who have. My Driver’s Ed instructor told us a story about how, before he took a formal Driver’s Education class, he had been driving with his brother through rural Ellensburg in the winter. During the drive, he prepared to make a sharp turn ignoring the warning sign that told him to decrease his speed. Midway through the turn, his vehicle began to lose control, spinning until the car was going sideways, and the car proceeded to roll off the road and into the ditch on the side of the road. Luckily he and his brother were fine, but the car was totaled. He told us this story to stress the importance of wearing a seatbelt, the thing he gives credit for saving his life, and stressing the importance of going through a Driver’s Ed course before getting a license. He is a big advocate for not only going through a Driver’s Education course but also using the knowledge you get after you get your license.

Making the roadways safe comes down to each person individually, so it is up to you to decide how safe the roadways are. Getting educated on the road and how to prevent fatal situations helps not just you, but your family, and countless other families. So to become a better driver you need to practice and get yourself the education you need to make the roadways safe and efficient for everyone. According to the University of Nebraska-Lincon UNL News Release, it says “Young drivers who have not completed driver’s education are 75 percent more likely to get a traffic ticket, 24 percent more likely to be involved in a fatal or injury accident and 16 percent more likely to have an accident, the study showed.” The study that was conducted followed “…more than 150,000 teen drivers over eight years…” and that study found that Driver’s Education greatly decreases the number of crashes and violations a new driver will experience. According to “…driving education is a top priority when initiating the very first steps on driving a car on the road. Moreover, without taking a proper class driving education there wouldn’t be no acknowledgment on how to drive safely on the road and take serious precautions in case of a car accident.” Driving with previous education allows the roadways to be safer for drivers, bicycle riders, and pedestrians.

The roads are made safer when it is used by people who understand the proper and lawful way to drive. The road toward reducing the number of fatal crashes in America to zero may be long and windy, but I believe that it all starts with Driver’s Education. The price of Driver’s Ed may be expensive, but it is a price worth paying when you consider the impact it has on the lives of others.