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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Importance of Driving Education

Name: Emma Hoang
From: Friendswood, Texas
Votes: 0

Importance of Driving Education

As our society becomes more technology based, driving and the use of cars are increasing. It is important that our society is aware of driving and rules that are applied to it. Prior to having hands on the wheel, every person must receive some sort of driver’s education, whether the rules are taught by a driving school, or online taught by an adult driver. The sole purpose of driver’s education is to teach beginner drivers the rules of driving, along with the duties of being a safe driver. With more driver’s abiding to the duties of a safe driver, the number of car accidents and deaths could be reduced in the world.

During driver’s education, the instructor teaches a person basic rules of driving, safety precautions, and the laws that need to be followed. It is important to recognize these basic rules when actually driving on the road to prevent accidents, because one oopsie mistake could lead to a death. The amount of deaths related to car accidents is an important issue that needs to be discussed. The reasoning for these deaths relating to driving is all caused by one thing: reckless drivers. To cover this issue, it is important that young drivers pay attention to the lessons they are receiving from driver’s education in order to be a safe driver. Following the rules while also being an alert driver will reduce the amount of driving related deaths we see. It is also up to the driving school to properly teach and emphasize to young drivers that being safe is the most important step to becoming a good driver.

As a young driver, you get to experience your friends and family’s driving techniques, and how they applied what they have learned to their driving experiences. Even before I turned 16, I was able to see my older sisters learn how to drive, and even experience for myself their driving experiences. About a couple of years ago, my sister was in a car accident that resulted in her car being completely destroyed. Hearing my dad on the phone with her made me worry as I practically begged to drive out to the scene of the accident. Luckily, no one was injured, but her car was completely totaled. I distinctly remembered the police talking to my dad as I was trying to comfort my sister, who was sitting on the nearest sidewalk bawling her eyes out. The police officer explained to my dad that my sister was looking down at her phone to text a friend when she rear ended the car in front of her. Her car had to be towed away because her car was so badly damaged, and was not drivable. Because I was still young, I just remember the long process of getting the insurance companies involved, and how it was a learning lesson for my sister. The accident taught her that the rule of “no texting while driving” can result in a dangerous issue. “No texting while driving” was one of the most important rules that driving education emphasized, and I realized why. From her accident, I learned that being an aware and safe driver is important for my own safety and the other drivers around me. Driving rules and laws were made for a reason, and we should follow them to prevent future accidents.

In order for others and myself to become safe drivers, we have to obtain the skills and knowledge taught to us from driver’s education and apply it. There are a few rules that we have learned. The first one includes reading road signs and knowing what they mean in order to follow the traffic. Signs are meant to help traffic flow run smoother, and allow drivers to be safe on the road. Another way to be a safe driver is to be alert and avoid any sort of distractions. Regardless of whether you are daydreaming while driving or getting a text from your phone, you should always keep your eyes on the road because situations come unexpected. Lastly, protect yourself in the car. Always make sure that you and your passengers are wearing seatbelts and drive at a safe speed to prevent any potential accidents. With these tips, you and other drivers should feel perfectly safe on the road.

Many people put emphasis on driving education to inform young drivers about the precautions and prevent reckless driving. Having cautious drivers on the roads will reduce the number of deaths related to car accidents, and bring back the safe road environments to new drivers.