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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The Angel Of The Road

Name: Cynthia Galvan-Salvador
From: Raleigh, NC
Votes: 1

The Angel Of The Road

Driving, it’s something many people look forward to as they grow into young adults. It is a symbol of freedom, personal growth, and independence. Being behind the wheel gives a sense of being one’s own person, setting their own rules, and finally becoming their personal boss. It also opens a door of possibility and opportunity. Being given the ability of self-transportation allows one to be wherever, whenever. Self-entertainment, like going to the mall, family emergencies, like when the cat was very sick and needed medical attention as soon as possible, or just getting a job to earn some extra money, these are just a few examples of the benefits of driving.

As children we sat, in the back of mommy or daddy’s car, not having a worry in the world. Perhaps one was watching the trees zoom by, or maybe fast asleep, feeling safe and sound. No one really thought about how much things could go wrong. In seconds, lives have been changed, lives have been taken forever, and guilt devours until it can’t. Today, the point is to really emphasize how much of a crisis reckless driving is, whether it was on purpose or purely accidental. There’s a reason many people today are afraid, or flat-out refuse to get behind the wheel.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has estimated that in 2022, 42,795 people have died as a result of a car-related crash in the United States. While this is a decrease from 42,939 in 2021, it’s a minimal difference tragedy. To reduce the number of deaths related to driving, many factors must be considered. What more can be done, with so much already been done, like pedestrian walks, the seat belt, laws against drunk drinking, and more. I believe the best thing anyone can do is to be actively paying attention to their surroundings and have a positive attitude, it’ll help anyone be a better and safer driver. Following the laws and always wearing your seatbelt, and encouraging others to do the same, is how deaths can be reduced.

There are many resources available to everyone to be an educated driver, one of them having to be Driver’s Education. Driver’s education is a learning-based environment for the underaged wanting to get their license. Not only does it offer extensive knowledge about signs, parking, signals, the different things a driver may see in a vehicle, and more, it offers behind-the-wheel training with a certified driving expert, who will guide and prepare a new driver a higher chance to be successful. As a result, Driver’s Ed has definitely helped reduce the number of deaths caused by fatal crashes.

I’ve witnessed quite a few crash aftermaths in my lifetime, but personally, I’ve never committed any. I’ve heard of the horror stories of pedestrians being hit, little girls and boys killed in crashes leaving their parents devastated, or children turning into parentless children. Crashes have nearly happened directly in front of me, but never have. I consider myself very lucky to never have seen one happen right before my eyes, and even luckier to never have been in one. Many times I have seen careless drivers, and careless pedestrians who don’t pay attention, one even being my father. Texting and calling while behind the wheel is a major issue, and too many do it. People like myself get distracted very easily and don’t pay near as much attention to certain things as they should, it’s nearly cost my life a couple of times.

Why should anyone care about safer driving, one may ask. Driving affects everyone. Most people will have to drive one day, so being prepared to be a good driver and observer of their surroundings is crucial. You may not ever want to drive, and while that may make life a little harder, that’s okay, but there are still dangers. Taking a cab, a bus, or even just walking on the side of the road, all can result in becoming a part of a crash. Even if it’s not you personally, think about your family, your relatives, your friends, even the strangers you see every day at the local shop. Being aware of your surroundings is very important if you don’t become a driver yourself. Rooting and supporting safer and better driving is something everyone should be passionate about, for the angel of the road is the person in the passenger seat, the child in the backseat, the old man walking home from church, the angel of the road is you.