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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The importance of driving safely

Name: Shayla Mattox
From: Bowie, Maryland
Votes: 0

The importance of driving safely

To be a safe driver is to be aware and alert at all times. It is to know all the rules of driving so you don’t put yourself or anyone else in harm’s way. There are so many car accidents because people don’t know the rules or simply refuse to follow them. Which is why driver’s education is so important, it would be infuriating if you were in a severe car accident all because the person in front of you didn’t know when to use their turn signal. Also drivers education is where you are taught the importance of defensive driving, which is driving while focusing on trying to avoid potential hazards and also trying to anticipate what the other drivers around you will do. When you do use defensive driving it can reduce the likelihood of a car accident and can minimize the likelihood of severe and fatal car collisions.

Yes drivers education is a very important role of being a safe driver there are still other things that can help drivers be more intentional about driving safely. There should be more law enforcement officers involved to enforce the rules of driving such as the speed limit, wearing seatbelts, and driving under the influence. There should also be more law enforcement presence because even with drivers only seeing that there is law enforcement is around they would be more likely to follow traffic laws. Even encouraging using a different type of transportation could help with driving safely. If people used the bus, trains, or even bicycling more it could reduce the number of accidents and fatalities while driving because there would be less cars on the road.

Even though we have rules of the road, sometimes people don’t follow them. Most of the time it’s not on purpose but sometimes you will come in contact with people who disregard the law on purpose and most of the time those are the people who cause accidents. Speaking from experience, those are the type of people that can get you seriously hurt. I was in an accident on the day of my 14th birthday and it was all because the person in the other car was speeding in a residential area. The car hit my mother’s car in the front on the driver’s side from coming around a curb speeding. I sustained minor injuries but my mother was affected the most from this accident since she was driving and took the majority of the impact from the accident. She had to receive surgery on her shoulder and went through months of recovery and physical therapy. Even when all of that was over she still wasn’t completely healed she still has problems with her shoulder till this day. Also this created a traumatic experience for not only my mother but for myself as well. One second I was on my way to my birthday party and the next I’m spending my birthday in an emergency room. I will forever associate my 14th birthday not as a happy time but a traumatic one all because one person didn’t want to comply with the speed limit.

Everyday I strive to be a better driver and a safer driver. To do that I do things such as driving the correct speed limit, also keeping a safe distance from other drivers to avoid collisions from not being able to break in time. Also to keep myself safe I avoid driving aggressively or when I am upset because when you are in rage about something while driving you could be more likely to make mistakes while driving. I also try to encourage my friends and people my age to drive safer. By sharing with them some of the facts like in Maryland there is an accident that leads to fatality every three days that involve teenagers. Also making sure they know the consequences of driving recklessly because an accident isn’t the only thing that can happen.

Being a safe driver shouldn’t be something that has to be learned but it should be something that is mandatory. If you practice safe driving techniques not only will it keep you safe it will keep others safe. Being a safe driver makes people look at you as someone they can trust. It reduces the amount of accidents that happen. It will also save you money, when you get into accidents it can be extremely expensive and insurance doesn’t always cover everything. Safe driving can also reduce your stress when driving. So be mindful of these things when driving, you wouldn’t want to be the reason someone had to bury someone they loved all because you didn’t want to use a turn signal.