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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Importance of Safe Driving

Name: Alanna Sidlowski
From: Silver Spring, Maryland
Votes: 0

Importance of Safe Driving

Across the world, many nations have implemented programs to encourage safety and discourage reckless driving, speeding, and other dangerous activities behind the wheel. Speed cameras are a familiar installation to many Americans, and are often used to deter speeding in suburban areas. On the other hand, countries like Sweden have used positive reinforcement through speed cameras. The country created lotteries through speed cameras for drivers who drive at or under the speed limit. Many look to new legislation, inventions, and innovations to promote safe driving, but is there an easier solution? Drivers education, a common institution to new drivers, is too often overlooked in prevention of roadside disasters

Due to the dangers of being behind the wheel, it is incredibly important for new drivers to take precautions when on the road, such as being aware of one’s surroundings, following the rules of the road, and paying attention in Drivers Education.

Astute readers may note that one piece of advice above is not like the others. Many new drivers view Drivers Education merely as a hurdle to jump before getting their license and hitting the open road. I myself, while not as eager as my peers, sometimes felt the lessons provided by Drivers Ed were redundant. My view changed drastically, however, when my brother got into a car accident. He was nineteen, far too young for a situation that is far too deadly and far too common today. He was fine, albeit shaken up, but the car was totaled. The crash itself was a result of my brother changing turn lanes without looking. His mistake was his lack of awareness of what was around him. Unfortunately, it seems new drivers are becoming less engaged with drivers education, especially since the COVID-19 Pandemic has kept new drivers inside and on online learning applications like Zoom. While this transition was necessary for the safety and continued good health of everyone, it has also made engagement and focusing in class difficult. In person classes had the benefit of instructors immediate presence amongst students to answer questions or correct mistakes, unlike in Zoom sessions. However, now that quarantine has been lifted and drivers education is back in person, hopefully more students will be focused and understanding the importance of awareness behind the wheel and on the road.

Driver’s education is incredibly important to new drivers, as it focuses on instilling important lessons in one’s memory. The reminders provided by instructors in drivers education are vital to students safety and health on (and off) the road. Lessons about awareness and safety can reduce deaths and other injuries by preventing or avoiding accidents, especially for new and inexperienced drivers.

Of course, awareness is not the only way to avoid an accident or death while behind the wheel; some of the most important accident prevention methods happen before a person is in the car. Most importantly, avoiding driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, both of which severely impair a driver’s awareness, fine and gross motor skills, and reaction time. If one is planning on drinking or using substances however, there are ways to avoid driving: planning with a friend to have a designated driver, utilizing taxis, or calling an Uber are all ways to avoid unsafe driving. Thousands die every year as a result of drunk driving accidents, and even more are severely injured or disabled as a result.

Another simple thing a new driver can do to avoid a collision is not texting, calling, or generally being on one’s cellular device whilst driving. Many drivers know the dangers of texting while driving, but many people are reliant on online GPSs like Google Maps, and try to balance focusing on the road, and looking at their phones. My mother often struggles with this, she keeps her phone opened to Google Maps on her lap and switches her focus from the road to her phone, which can be dangerous. An much safer way to use a GPS is to place a phone holder or tripod on the dashboard, and listen to oral instructions provided by many GPS programs. This stops drivers from multitasking and allows them to keep their eyes on the road at all times, while getting them where they need to go.

Avoiding substances before or during driving and not using ones phone may seem like no-brainers, but accidents can be prevented from using some of the most basic functions on one’s car. For example, the turn signal, or blinker, is an important tool to communicate with other drivers. Not using such communication tools as turn signals or hazard lights may endanger other drivers if one chooses to suddenly change lanes or slow down suddenly.

Motor vehicles have become increasingly ubiquitous in daily life, and their evolution over the past half century is a remarkable example of human ingenuity. However, it is imperative for all drivers, new or experienced, to understand just how dangerous cars can be to oneself and others. Well known strategies of accident prevention are helpful, but innovations from other countries should be welcomed to help keep our roads safe.