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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The 5 seconds that could change a persons life

Name: Virginia Bustos
From: San Antonio, Texas
Votes: 0

The 5 seconds that could change a persons life

Everyone has to go through it. The classroom driving lessons you have to take before going through the 7 driving lessons. The ones that determine if you’re ready to take the driving test or not. Those 1 hour classes that are required may seem tedious and long and absolutely boring, IF you’re not paying attention. For the hyper focused kids in the class, like me, we paid every ounce of our attention to those lessons. Jotting down notes that seemed important on the slideshows, paying extreme amounts of attention to the videos when the person talks about road safety, just to be jumped scared when said person talking gets runned over by a car. For not paying attention.

This is why driver education is really important when it comes to reducing the number of deaths from driving. Because even though the slideshows are talking about how to properly drive a vehicle, it’s the videos that give you the insight of how dangerous driving really is. From not paying attention to the road to driving under the influence of substances, the videos tell you how it will affect you, the passengers in the car with you, and the people that were driving in the other vehicle. They go over the consequences of your actions if you weren’t paying attention, how it could have been avoided, and the peoples lives you’ve just ruined by taking away the victims from their families.

So to prevent ruining another person’s life, and quite possibly your own, it is important that you pay attention to the videos, the news, and the stories people tell on the internet. Because what they have to say may have ruined their lives but it could save yours. Learn from other people’s mistakes, know the signs of when a person isn’t in the best state of mind to drive before you get in the car with them, and maybe hide things that may distract you when you are driving. For example, I put my phone on silent before hiding it in my counsel so that I don’t reach for it to text or call someone. And if someone does call or text you while you are driving, they can always wait. Because if they really love you then they’ll understand why you didn’t respond immediately. Putting on your seat belt is also very crucial to a person’s safety when they are on the road. Studies have shown that wearing seat belts can reduce the possibility of getting killed in an accident by 40-50%. So when you’re driving and you don’t want to wear your seat belt because it’s “uncomfortable,” think about this. Would you rather be uncomfortable or alive?

Radio stations, AC, and GPS systems are also a distractor that should be taken care of before you put the car in drive. So when you start your car, put on the radio station or playlist that you are comfortable listening to for the time you’ll be on the road. Put the AC to your liking that you know suits you, and put in the GPS beforehand to the destination you are heading to. Scan the route that it’ll take you, so you’ll know what to expect beforehand instead of taking 5 second glances when you’re on the road. Because those 5 seconds could be the decision of life or death.

I’ve personally witnessed my own family members have their life completely altered because of a reckless driver. And it happened in the span of 5 seconds. There were two occasions when my aunt and cousin got into a car accident. The first time was when they were on their way home from the store. They were in a neighborhood that was close to their house when they stopped at a stop sign. My aunt was driving the car, following all the road safety rules that you learn in driving school. She looked both ways before driving, but she couldn’t see the truck that was driving over the speed limit since there was a bush in the way–blocking her view. So when she was in the middle of the four way stop the truck hit her dead on. Smashing into her side of the vehicle. They spun out onto the lawn of the residence that was a witness to the crash. My cousin got a bad head injury while my aunt broke her left leg, while the couple that was in the truck sustained no injuries at all. But The man that was driving explained to the cops, “I didn’t see that other car, I thought I could make it.”

An accident that could have been prevented if he had chosen not to be a reckless driver.

The second incident happened a couple months later after the first accident. They were still recovering and were on their way to get their medications when they stopped at an intersection. Their light turned green when a car, from the right of the intersection, was speeding to try and beat the light. Resulting in them hitting the car in front of my aunt and cousin. That car spun out so fast that it hit them in the process, making them spin out as well before their car hit a pole. Stopping them from spinning. This accident was unfortunately worse than the first as my aunt’s left leg was completely shattered and she sustained some injuries to her back. While my cousin on the other hand broke a rib, had neck and head injuries, and a broken arm. It was with these two accidents that my aunt will forever have trouble walking and my cousin will continue going to the doctor just to make sure if his head is okay.

No one died, but they so easily could have.

To wrap this up I’m just going to say that no one is a perfect driver; not even me. I’ve had my fair share of looking at my phone to check an email or change a song on my playlist. I even like playing my music really loud. So loud it blocks out all noises from outside my car. So instead of being perfect drivers, let’s aim for being good drivers. To better myself, and those who do the same as me, let’s try turning our music down a couple of notches to focus on what is going on around us. And let’s put our phones on silent so that we can focus on the road, so that we can be good drivers. And, James said it best–from TheOdd1’sOut, “I hope you all have a great day, and remember to wear your seat belts.”