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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driver education is very important – Sommer Goolsby

Name: Sommer Grace Goolsby
From: Tallahassee, FL
Votes: 0

Driver education is very important

Driver education is very important to reduce the number of deaths that result from driving. Driving is very dangerous, the average weight of cars varies from 2,600 to 4,400 pounds. Education about driving is a must. You are in control of a very large machine that can kill you or someone else. I feel that if everyone took a class about all of the dangers of driving we could lower the amount of deaths caused by car accidents. In addition, everyone should take a driving class to see how to properly drive. I took driver’s education in high school, I feel that it was a great help. I was able to ask all of the questions I had and I was able to practice everyday driving.

Many steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths caused by driving, one of them being buckling up. It is very important that every time you get in a vehicle you buckle up, seatbelts have been proven to save lives. According to the Motor Vehicle Safety Division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, wearing a seatbelt reduces the risk of death and injury by nearly 50%. Another step that can be taken is to put your phone on do not disturb while you are driving. A lot of car accidents are the result of texting and driving. There are about 400 fatal car accidents a year. The number increases when you include the other types of distracted driving like eating while driving and changing the radio station. One more step that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths from accidents is not to drink and drive or not to drive impaired. Drunk driving is very dangerous. About 13,384 people die each year in the United States, that is a lot when the number could be zero. It is important to have a designated driver or to call a ride share company when you are under the influence of drinking or a drug, not only would it save your life it can save someone else’s life.

I have had an experience of being in a car accident, recently I was in a car accident when I was driving to work. I was at a light getting ready to turn right but the car behind me did not see that I had stopped and ran into the back of me. I was very scared, so I called the police and waited for them to come. I also called my parents and told them where I was and they came to see if I was okay. I was able to leave after the officer collected my information but the experience really shook me up. Personally, I have been more careful when I drive and I have learned how to drive on the defense and know my surroundings. I have seen my friends and family members driving irresponsibly, when I am in the car with someone driving dangerously I try to let them know that they are not being safe. Some people listen and slow down and think about how their driving is not safe. Other times people take offense to me trying to correct them, that is when I feel that it is important that I use my voice and tell them to let me out of the car. The best thing you can do is to try to tell people that driving is a big responsibility and hope they listen.

There are numerous steps that can be taken to be a better and safer driver as well as help others become safer on the road. One step is staying alert. Being alert allows you to react quickly to potential dangers. Driving while drowsy is one of the leading causes of crashes. It is important to get sleep before you drive. Another step is to follow the posted speed limit. Higher speeds make controlling your vehicle that much more difficult if things go wrong, that’s why you must control your speed.

In addition, as I mentioned earlier it is important to limit distractions while you drive. A distraction is any activity that takes your attention from the task of driving. When you are driving it takes your full attention. An additional step is to make a safe driving plan. It is important to build time into your trip schedule to stop for food and rest breaks. When you get in the car make sure you Adjust your seat, mirrors, and climate controls before putting the car in gear. Eating and driving is very dangerous. It is best to Pull over to eat or drink.