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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Taking Responsibility Behind the Wheel

Name: Nathaniel Kim
From: Champaign, Illinois
Votes: 0

Taking Responsibility Behind the Wheel

Driving is an integral part of our lives. We drive vehicles to go to work, shop for groceries, play sports, and much more. However, there are many risks and safety procedures that have to be acknowledged when driving. The significance of driver education in reducing the number of road deaths and the crucial steps that can be taken to achieve this goal are important topics that all drivers should know.

The importance of driver education programs is to help focus on defensive driving techniques, exemplify the importance of any potential hazards on the road, and what actions to take if and when you encounter any of those hazards. A driver with these defensive driving skills is more likely to avoid accidents and reduce the number of deaths on the road. Furthermore, driver education goes beyond technical skills. Driver education programs play a crucial role in creating responsible attitudes in drivers. These programs emphasize the importance of obeying basic traffic rules, respecting other drivers, and understanding the consequences of reckless driving. An attentive and responsible driver is less likely to drive dangerously, which also leads to a reduction in the number of deaths on the road. In addition to defensive driving techniques and responsible attitudes, driver education programs also explain the leading causes of accidents on the road, such as driving while on the phone, speeding, and driving under the influence. By informing drivers about these causes, they can make more wise decisions, reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving.

To achieve the goal of reducing the number of deaths when driving, the government should invest in thorough driver education programs that cover the rules of the road and personal one-on-one driving. These programs should be made mandatory for all drivers regardless of their experience. By providing a complete understanding of the rules of the road and hands-on driving practice, drivers can develop the skills to become responsible drivers, which contributes to a reduction in the number of road deaths. To ensure that only experienced and responsible drivers obtain a license, it’s crucial to raise the standards for getting a license. This could involve more written exams and practical assessments. It may not be fun for new drivers but by making the process of obtaining a license more challenging, only the drivers who have shown their knowledge and capability to drive will be allowed to drive on the roads. However, the focus on driver education should not end with obtaining a license. Instead, it should be an ongoing process. Regular evaluations and training sessions for drivers can strengthen good driving habits and address any issues that may have developed. Existing drivers may not like this, but by having driver education as a continuous journey, drivers can continuously improve their skills and be notified of the latest safety practices, leading to safer roads overall. Incorporating advanced safety technologies in vehicles is yet another crucial step in reducing the number of deaths and accidents on the roads. Safety features such as blind spot warning systems, automatic emergency braking, and backup cameras have proven to be effective in preventing or reducing the number of accidents that happen. Utilizing these technologies and including them in more and more cars can significantly increase the safety of the road.

Transitioning to a personal perspective, I have never been in a car accident and I have never seen any of my close friends or family get into one either. I’m hoping that I never have to see or experience one in my life. In order to do that, one step that I can take to be safer on the road is to drive in a calm manner. Driving when angry or rushing can increase the likelihood of getting into a car accident, and hurting others in the process. Another step I can take is to drive at the posted speed limit. This can help me be a more responsible driver and it promotes the safety of other drivers as well.

Driving is a vital part of our lives. We drive vehicles almost every day to go to work, shop for groceries, play sports, and much more. The significance of driver education in reducing the number of road deaths and the crucial steps that can be taken to achieve this goal are topics that should not be dismissed but rather be heavily acknowledged.