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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Urgency of Driver’s Education

Name: Brandon Stuck
From: Carrollton, VA
Votes: 0

Urgency of Driver’s Education

It cannot be overstated how important it is that the driver does not only know the rules of the road, but they are confident in their ability to operate a vehicle. If a driver is ignorant of the rules of how to drive, then they are in significant danger of getting in a crash. This is why it is essential that people take a course to learn how to operate a vehicle safely and drive safely. Had a driver not taken a course, they would not likely know about important concepts such as right of way, merging, yielding, passing on a yellow line, turning on a red light, and yielding to pedestrians. They would also be ignorant about the importance of safety precautions such as turn signals and vehicle maintenance. Additionally, it is important that they know about following distance and being aware what other drivers on the road are doing. Finally, they must know the consequences of making a violation such as running a red light. To increase the safety of drivers by informing them about the rules of driving, it is essential that a driver’s education course is taken prior to driving. Being in the driver’s seat is an important but dangerous role, so it is important that the person fulfilling that role is responsible and capable.

To reduce the number of deaths related to driving, it is important to educate drivers about safety precautions and enforcing safe driving rules. Rather than reducing the speed limit or enforcing stricter ones, officers can have stricter enforcement of safe driving. For example, if someone is following too closely, weaving around cars, wearing headphones, not wearing a seatbelt, or seen on their phone, then they should be punished. However, it is important that these rules are actually enforced because nobody would follow them if they are not consistently enforced. If someone is seen driving dangerously, then they will get pulled over by the police.

Fortunately, I have never been involved in a car accident. Members of my family have been in crashes, but I have not. In terms of seeing other people drive irresponsibly, I have seen my mom watching movies on her phone whilst driving. Despite telling her to stop, she did not listen. I have rarely seen other people drive irresponsibly, and I have never seen anyone drink and drive. When other people are driving, I typically help them be aware of their surroundings. For example, I tell them about stop lights or if lanes are clear to merge into. Also, I try to help them with directions and use their phone rather than having them use it whilst driving.

To be a better driver myself, I try not to drive while I am tired, I always wear a seat belt, try to be aware of the rules of the road and my surroundings, I never drink and drive, and I try not to use my phone. I avoid driving while I am tired to make sure I am fully alert, aware of my surroundings, and can quickly react to other drivers. Also, I try to drive efficiently to save fuel, meaning that I must be patient and deliberate when I drive, things I cannot do if I am tired. Wearing a seatbelt is a fundamental part of being in a vehicle, and I have never driven a vehicle without wearing one. Additionally, I frequently look at my surroundings to see how other people are driving around me and what the conditions of the road are like. Furthermore, I have been offered a drink multiple times, but I always deny it because I know have either have to drive myself or other people. If other people are drinking, then I offer to drive home, and most of the time I do. Finally to improve my driving ability, I can try to fix my bad habit of using my phone while driving. Most of the time I put it in a phone holder and use it to control my music, but this is not a good habit because I have to split my attention. By trying to avoid using my phone whilst driving, I significantly improve my safety on the road.

Being in the driver’s seat of a vehicle requires a lot of responsibility and knowledge of how to drive safely on the road. It is critical that all drivers take a course to significantly reduce the likelihood of getting into a crash by increasing their knowledge of safe driving and the rules of the road.