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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driving Doesn’t Have to be Deadly

Name: Ashley Parker
From: Las Cruces, New Mexico
Votes: 0

Driving Doesn’t Have to be Deadly

Driving in America is more dangerous than involvement in an active war, according to studies. That is a startling statistic because every driver puts their life at risk each time they pull out of the driveway. The next generation of licensed drivers must understand the importance of driver education to reduce the number of deaths on the road. Everyone has been affected or knows of someone affected by a vehicle crash. A call for change is among us, which means there needs to be action to support better driving habits.

The purpose of drivers ed is to teach new drivers the written laws of the road and the common traffic practices and build a foundation of driving skills. The regulations are in place to protect everyone on the road, but they can only do so if everyone obeys them. Before the laws can be obeyed, they have to be understood. Drivers ed is in place to clear up any question of law by reading about the laws and then putting them into practice with the help of driving instructors. Although the rules and regulations are important, practicing them in real-world scenarios helps new drivers learn and remember them. That is why a good driver education program is important to preventing future driving fatalities.

The first step to creating safer transportation is instilling the importance of driver education into the next generation of drivers. The purpose is to teach new drivers the rules of the road and basic driving skills. Without this course, how would a new driver learn common right-of-way practices or understand the meaning of different traffic lights? Every driver must know the rules of the road and not just the fundamentals of driving. Prevention of accidents occurs when all drivers agree on the written and unwritten rules of traffic. To reduce the number of deaths due to driving accidents, drivers should be up to date on all traffic laws and guidelines. While physically learning to drive is important, an understanding between drivers to obey the laws is the act that will decrease death rates among drivers. While some people believe that hands-off cars and better technology are the solution, I believe that better-educated humans will create more change.

The second step to lowering death rates on American highways is keeping intoxicated drivers off the road. I have seen several families torn apart due to avoidable accidents. One of the most common is intoxicated drivers losing control and taking the lives of innocent people who were unaware of the other driver’s incompetence. Stronger consequences might help ward off some people from driving impaired, but it is not the only solution to this problem. Planning for a night out can mean the difference between getting home safely and putting lives at risk. Some ways to do this are having a designated driver, calling an Uber, or planning to stay at a friend’s house. The intoxicated party is not the only one responsible; the individuals selling the products have the right to refuse service. They may lose business but in the long run, they are more likely to save a life. Along with creating an understanding of traffic laws, uncovering better ways to ward off driving under the influence of any mind-altering substance is a key factor to reduce the number of driving deaths.

Fortunately, I have not been involved in a life-threatening accident. I have seen friends and family members affected by them: some at the fault of others and some at their own fault. Regardless of the cause, car accidents can be devastating to relationships, lives, careers, and finances. The heartbreaking fact is most accidents could be prevented in one of two ways: a better understanding of the law or an intoxicated person staying off the road. This country needs more advocates to push good driver education courses to lower the death rates in the future. I will be one of the advocates by paying attention more while driving and being a better role model to the younger drivers around me. This way, I can do my part to ensure the safety of my loved ones and the people driving around them.

In conclusion, driver education is vital to lowering the death rate on American highways because educated drivers can better avoid accidents. There are two steps to this process. First, establish a stronger grasp of traffic laws and practices by all drivers, not just new ones. Second, keep incapable people off the road, whether by choice or force. By acting, avoidable crashes can save families the hurt and worry of a loved one involved. This is not something that can be fixed overnight. This country needs all drivers to step up and take responsibility for their actions by becoming better educated and thinking of the people around them.