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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Conquering Distracted Driving

Name: Sara Pedraza Cupido
From: Orlando, FL
Votes: 0

Conquering Distracted Driving

Distracted driving has become an alarming issue in the modern era, posing a significant threat to road safety. The prevalence of smartphones, infotainment systems, and other electronic devices has made drivers more susceptible to distractions while behind the wheel. This essay delves into the dangers of distracted driving, which my peers and I have struggled with, and explores the crucial steps I have taken to overcome this hazardous behavior, making our roads safer for everyone.

Distracted driving encompasses any activity that diverts a driver’s attention from the primary task of safely operating a vehicle. Activities like texting, talking on the phone, adjusting GPS, browsing social media, and eating can compromise a driver’s ability to react promptly to unexpected situations, increasing the likelihood of accidents. The modern world heavily relies on automobiles for transportation, making driving a ubiquitous activity. However, the privilege of driving comes with great responsibility, as motor vehicle accidents remain a leading cause of fatalities globally. Driver education plays a critical role in mitigating these tragic outcomes by equipping new drivers with essential skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to navigate the roads safely.

I must admit, like many of my generation, my biggest distraction was my phone. Whether changing a song or texting a friend, my phone was a constant temptation. However, recent events have led me to realize the importance of focused driving. A particularly harrowing experience occurred when leaving church one morning. I was driving on a straight road with three lanes, planning to meet my parents at the beach. I decided to change my music playlist and took my eyes off the road. In an instant, a car from the middle lane attempted to make a left turn and collided with the side of my car. The person who ran into my car was also, you guessed it, on their phone. Although the accident wasn’t my fault, I realized that had I been focused solely on driving, I could have reacted better and possibly avoided the collision altogether. This was one of the most unnerving experiences in my life, and although it was a horrible experience, it flipped a switch in my life for the better. After this event, I realized I truly needed to combat distracted driving. Although this accident did total my car, I am very blessed that this accident did not cost my life. According to the Insurance Institute for highway safety, there was an unnerving 3,451 lives lost in the year 2022 just in my home state of Florida. To address this pressing issue and create safer roads, it is essential to implement a comprehensive approach that targets various factors contributing to driving-related deaths. This essay outlines key steps that can be taken to reduce the number of fatalities and make driving a safer experience for everyone.

Concrete Steps to Combat Distracted Driving

  1. Set GPS Before Driving: To avoid fiddling with my GPS while on the road, I now make it a habit to set my destination before I start driving. Taking those extra few seconds to prepare ensures I can stay focused on the road ahead.

  2. Choose a Playlist in Advance: Similar to setting the GPS, I select a playlist before starting my journey. Using the buttons on my steering wheel to skip songs allows me to keep my eyes on the road and my hands on the wheel.

  3. Practice Intentionality: I remind myself daily that safe driving is not just a casual practice but a responsibility to protect my own safety and that of others. With the growing decline in attention spans in today’s generation, I challenge myself to be intentional and focused while driving. Just like any other skill, intentionality must be practiced repeatedly with consistency to see improvements.

Driver education plays a pivotal role in reducing driving-related deaths by equipping new drivers with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to navigate the roads safely. Beyond learning the rules of the road, driver education emphasizes the significance of responsible driving behaviors, defensive driving techniques, and awareness of vulnerable road users. By instilling a safety-first mentality and promoting lifelong learning, driver education contributes to creating a culture of responsible driving that can significantly decrease the number of fatalities resulting from accidents. Governments, educators, and communities must continue to prioritize and invest in comprehensive driver education programs to make our roads safer for everyone.

Distracted driving is a multifaceted issue that requires a proactive approach to conquer. By sharing my personal journey and the steps I have taken to combat distracted driving, I hope to raise awareness about the importance of staying focused while on the road. By collectively committing to safer driving practices, we can reduce accidents, save lives, and create a safer environment for all road users. Let us unite in our determination to make our roads safer and forge a brighter future for everyone on the road.