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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The Importance of Improving Driving Skills and Safety

Name: Alexis Diavian Hardwick-Moore
From: Conyers, Georgia
Votes: 7

The Importance of Improving Driving Skills and Safety

Driver’s educations play an important role in learning how to drive safely because it teaches you how to work your car, drive on the road, and how to apply the rules of the road at the same time that you’re driving. When learning to drive safety comes come first because you can accidentally end your or someone’s life when you drive recklessly without knowing it, or without educating yourself and reading the driver’s manual, therefore it’s important to read the driver’s handbook including taking a driver’s course.

When learn the rules and safety in the driver’s manual you can reduce the amount of deadly car accidents, you can also practice driving in the parking lot or around your neighborhood until you mastered some skills, therefore you can start driving little roads, and then you can start driving on highways only when you have mastered simple driving skills such as parking, turning left, using signals, turning right, changing lanes, and knowing the meaning behind different types of signs.

Learning to drive can be a bit difficult, and nerve-racking, which is why you should learn to drive in baby steps and take your time while learning, so you don’t have any accidents in the future. The first thing to do when beginning to drive is to read the manual, while you read the manual you should take notes on things you find important or on subjects that you have a hard time remembering, and then quiz yourself on them. the DMV has free practice tests for your state, so you can use that website to practice. You should reread and keep doing the practice tests every week until you can remember and better understand the information in case you’re confused. Take your time when reading the manual too, just in case the permit test asks you a question that catches you off guard (you should keep doing the practice tests until you get an 80-90% on them almost every time).

After you passed your permit test you can start practicing how to drive. You may or may not need to reread the manual just in case you want to. you should start in a parking lot, you may know the rules of the road, but do you know how to work a car? If not please practice in the parking lot where there aren’t any cars, it will make it less stressful, and make sure to have an adult who has driving experience in the car with you. Practice where the control buttons are, how to adjust your seat, how to use the control buttons, and just get to know your car. After getting to know your car and can start practicing driving like going straight, turning, using signals, parking, etc.

When you start getting comfortable and feel like you mastered each skill you can move on from a parking lot to a small road with cars, and when you get comfortable with driving with real people beside you, you can move on to a bigger road, ONLY if you have mastered all the driving skills first, if feel like you need to practice a little more, keep practicing until you mastered that specific skill, remember to take your time.

I have never seen or heard about my family members getting into car accidents and if I did I don’t know how exactly or who was at fault for the car accident. I have however seen people I’m not related to swerve on the roads and try to pass by other cars when they weren’t supposed to. You should never swerve and always stay in your lane, now the cause of swerving could be because that person is drunk, which is very dangerous because depending on how drunk you are, you won’t be able to concentrate. Sometimes people will try to pass other people or cut in front of people, knowing that they shouldn’t, it doesn’t matter if you are late for work, you need to drive safely, and if you panicking or stressed out you can pull off to the side of the road until you’re ready to drive again.

Everybody gets a little nervous or excited when they first learn to drive, and that’s okay, but as long as you take baby steps, as well as, take your time to learn and master certain skills of driving you’ll be okay, not only that it’ll help keep you and other driver’s safe, because you’re not making hasty decisions, and practiced long enough to drive safely. Not everybody will indeed be perfect at some skills, like parking correctly, some older people have driven for years and sometimes can’t get their parking correct but as long as you’re not going over the line or hitting other cars you should be fine, but you can always practice too! Remember to not hasty decisions, follow the rules of the road, and don’t do anything that can affect your driving skills like drinking or drugs (unless the doctor says the drugs won’t affect your driving), and last of all take your time and practice!