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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driver Education Essay

Name: Jacob Oliver
From: Winchester, Virginia
Votes: 0

Driver Education Essay

2023 Driver Education Essay

When I first began to drive, I was scared out of my mind. The idea of driving to me seemed way too complex and scary. My first time getting in a car, I had to literally bump my seat all the way up (because I am short), fix all the mirrors, and had to move the seat closer. My biggest fear was passing someone on a two lane road. The first time I drove, I had to wait five minutes before someone finally passed me but when they did, and I didn’t hit them, a wave of calmness hit me, and I realized that it wasn’t so bad. For me, doing in-car was the most beneficial thing that helped me learn how to drive because it allowed me to be with an adult whose job is to help me learn. Nothing against my parents, who lets just say weren’t as nice, but the driving instructor was a family friend, so that helped a lot. If I could change one thing about the process of gaining your learners permit, and then eventually, your license, I would switch around the system. To me, it seems dumb that a kid who has never touched a car in his life before can take a test about signs and what you should be doing in your car while driving, and if he passes, suddenly knows how to drive; it makes no sense to me. When I passed my learners test, I came outside to tell my mom and she asked me if I wanted to drive home. I would have said yes, but it was raining and not to mention the fact that we were driving our Jeep at the time, which are notorious for being a little more difficult to handle. Simply put, if I could change the system, I would make you take in-car in order to get your learners permit and then take the test for your license. That way you start learning how to actually drive a car. I would also find a way to give people a driving test every 3-4 years because some of the old people on the road today scare me. I think that if they don’t get a good score, they shouldn’t be able to drive anymore. Luckily, there have been no accidents in my family besides a few dents in the back or front from deer and such, but I have watched people crash and it is a scary sight. I’ve always noticed too that it is always the people who drive like idiots that get into this sort of thing. An example of this would be my parents. Don’t get me wrong, they are good drivers and would never put anyone’s life in danger while driving. But they are from New Jersey, and the people there don’t exactly drive the greatest. My uncle, who still lives there, used to be a crazy fast driver but now that he has kids, he says that he has changed and now he yells at anyone in their neighborhood when they go more than 10 miles over the speed limit. I am not saying that I am the best driver in the world, but when someone is passing me on a highway while I am going five mph over, something’s wrong. For me, I try to be the best that I can be, but we all make mistakes. I try to not swerve in and out of lanes or tailgate someone but people don’t always do the same to me. I try to control what I can on the road and keep to myself but again, some people that drive here aren’t exactly the best and I try to keep it to myself and not drive with road rage. Overall, I am well aware that not everyone is a good driver, including myself, but I feel that some people could be bettered in their driving skills, and some people just shouldn’t drive. I would switch around how we get our learners permit and license because the system to me makes no sense right now. It would be better if we made the kids take in-car first nevaise then they would get experience driving a car instead of just taking a test and then suddenly being okay to drive. If you have gotten to this point in the essay, it means that you have at least liked it enough to read it 🙂 But seriously, thank you for reading my essay and possibly considering it!