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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driver’s License Scholarship

Name: London
From: Jacksonville, Florida
Votes: 0

Driver’s License Scholarship

Young drivers educating themselves before driving on the road is imperative. Without proper education and training people can get hurt. According to the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, Young drivers who have not completed driver’s education are 75 percent more likely to get a traffic ticket, 24 percent more likely to be involved in a fatal or injury accident and 16 percent more likely to have an accident, the study showed. I have even seen the result of these statistics consistently. Throughout social media there is footage of reckless accidents on dash cam that have come across my for you page. Every time I see someone inconsiderately weaving through traffic and risking lives it breaks my heart. Teenagers that do not have proper education illegally drive on the roads and risk other people and their own lives, and something needs to be done about it. Since motor vehicle collisions are the 8th leading cause of death in America; the importance of driver’s education is important. Teaching people road safety, street signs, driver etiquette, and safe driving procedures will help to reduce the number of deaths in America caused by driving. It can make people considerate of others safety when they understand driving the speed limit is a necessity or that driving while intoxicated hurts all participants of a car crash. Driving education will lower the number of reckless teenagers behind the wheel and will keep everyone safe. But first before that can happen several rules and requirements need to be put in place for those seeking a driver’s license. First off, to reduce the number of deaths related to driving it must be a requirement for everyone regardless of age to take an annual driving test. When folks get their license plates tags renewed annually, they should be subjected to a driving test at the DMV to get their license renewed as well. Another step to prevent deaths related to driving is a heavier police presence during rush hour traffic. According to Emerson Straw, aggressive driving, truck driving, bicycle riding, and weather-related conditions increase the risk of crashes and injuries by 41% during rush hour. A heavier police presence during rush hour traffic can help prevent the crashes that are prone to happen during that time window in the morning and evening. Lastly, a big step that could be taken to prevent fatal car accidents is more streetlights and clearer road signs. I personally hate driving on roads at night particularly because of the lack of streetlights and unclear road signs in my city. It is so dangerous and according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration more than 1,000 crashes nationwide were caused by issues with signs or signals in a single year. If new laws were passed federally to put in place an annual driving test, heavier police presence during rush hour, and clearer road signs and streetlights then the amount of car accidents would reduce significantly. As well as the number of deaths significantly dropping. Firsthand I have seen my family members drive recklessly. My dad owns a fast race car and goes over the speed limit quite often. I warn him consistently about the speed he drives at and as a result he does not drive fast on public roads but instead goes to open parking lots or raceways. The steps I can take personally to become a better driver is watching the weather. I have a tendency to not take proper precautions when the weather is bad. For example, when it is raining, I need to develop the habit of automatically making sure my headlights are on, increasing the following distance, and slowing down. In order to reduce the number of accidents on the road people must obey all traffic rules, keep your car in good running shape, wear a seatbelt, avoid distractions, adjust your car accessories, do not tailgate, be prepared for anything, do not drive under influence, watch the weather, and SLOW DOWN! Following these 10 steps will help any driver become safer on the road. A driver must consistently follow these steps to ensure bettering the skill of driving. These 10 steps will benefit everyone on the road and will even encourage other drivers to do the same. Risky behaviors in drivers are only increasing and it is best if drivers on the road practice safe habits. Learning defensive driving methods, the rules of right a way, and how to drive in severe weather could save lives. It is important to be a safe and educated driver to guarantee yourself safety and those around you.