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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – “In The Driver’s Seat”

Name: Jorrell Lawton
From: Greensboro, NC
Votes: 0

“In The Driver’s Seat”

The importance of driver education is a true investment in safer roads, responsible driving behavior and drivers being prepared, which benefits those that are on the road. As these actions benefit those on the road, it should also reduce the number of unfortunate deaths that occur on the road.

Reducing the unfortunate deaths that occur starts with a deep understanding of overall driver education. Implementation of detailed driver education programs that focus on teaching essentials skills, defensive driving techniques, traffic rules, and the importance of responsible behavior on the road is essential. Focusing on detailed driver education is on step to reduce accidents and fatalities, but there are several other steps that may reduce death, such as a placing more restrictions on licensing protocols, social media campaigns to promote awareness, parent and/or guardian oversight, and the encouragement of riding public transportation.

Following those steps can help to reduce fatalities and/or accidents. Unfortunately, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, “about 2,800 teens in the United States ages 13–19 were killed and about 227,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes in 2020. That means that every day, about eight teens died due to motor vehicle crashes, and hundreds more were injured. Motor vehicle crash deaths among teens 13–19 years of age resulted in about $40.7 billion in medical costs and cost estimates for lives lost in 2020.” Thankfully, I have never been in a car accident, nor have I’ve ever seen any of my family members and friends drive irresponsibly. Unfortunately, I have witnessed my peers driving recklessly out of the school parking lot, which certainly concerned me as I was learning how to drive.

Reckless driving is a perilous behavior that puts lives at risk and wreaks havoc on our roads. It involves a disregard for traffic rules, lack of consideration for others, and a blatant disregard for personal safety. I noticed that Reckless drivers often ignore speed limits, run red lights, and fail to yield the right-of-way, endangering themselves and other road users. The absence of adherence to traffic regulations erodes the foundation of a safe and orderly traffic system, increasing the likelihood of accidents. I also noticed that many of my peers not only disregarded the traffic rules, but they would also drive with the music up so loud that its impossible to hear if an ambulance or police officer was in route to save a life. Having loud music can impair your judgement and decision making and can lead to serious injury or death.

Apart from the physical dangers, reckless driving also carries severe legal consequences. Heavy fines, license suspension, and even imprisonment await those who choose to ignore traffic laws and drive recklessly. Reckless driving can also lead to higher insurance premiums due to an increased risk profile. Moreover, the costs associated with repairing damaged vehicles and medical expenses can burden both the reckless driver and other affected parties. Additionally, the emotional toll drivers and passengers may face, which also involves families and witnesses have long lasting effects that may cause emotional distress.

Responsible driving is what I took my time to understand and learn as a new driver. I am 19 years old and will be an incoming sophomore in college. The expectation from my parents and peers was for me to have my license before entering into my senior year of High School. However, I made a personal decision to wait until this summer to obtain my license. A few steps that I wanted to work on to be a better and safer driver was to practice defensive driving techniques, ensure to follow the speed limits, and wearing my seats belt and making sure passengers in the car were wearing their seat belts. I also wanted to learn how to maintain my vehicle by learning how to check and change the oil, keeping the tires, brakes, and lights operational. These steps really helped to motivate and build my confidence as I progressed in my driving journey.

Driving safely is a responsibility we should never take lightly. By practicing safe driving

habits and being mindful of others on the road, we contribute to a safer and more pleasant driving experience for everyone. Let us remember that driving is not merely a task but a privilege that requires constant attention, care, and respect for the lives around us. By making a conscious effort to drive responsibly, we can create a culture of safety on the roads and reduce the number of accidents, injuries, and fatalities, ultimately making our journeys more enjoyable and secure.