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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Why Driving is a Privilege not a Right

Name: Emma Houston
From: Bunkerville, Nevada
Votes: 0

Why Driving is a Privilege not a Right

Reckless driving is nothing new. All around the world there are drivers. Drivers lead to driving and driving leads to the choice of safety or the lack of. The ability to obtain a drivers license in the U.S is a privilege and not a right protected by the U.S constitution. At any time a person’s right to driving or their license may be revoked. The main cases of drivers licenses being revoked is due to reckless driving. Reckless driving contains multiple factors and is contributed to by the choices of drivers not only when driving, but when deciding to drive.

Drivers education is the most important part of driving as it is the first introduction to the road. Driver education involves the dangers of the road, how to avoid them, and how to refrain from being one of the hazards. Driver’s education should always be a first time driver’s priority and not pushed off as just another assignment to complete. Success in the course can decide if someone lives or dies. It is not something to be brushed off or ignored. Driver’s education does not end after the course is completed. Drivers, old and new, should always keep up to date on new traffic laws and policies in order to be a safe and efficient driver. Say there was a change where drivers now drive on the left side of the road and no one was updated, it would be a disaster. Even though this would be a far out event it shows why being road safety educated is crucial.

Multiple steps can be taken to reduce the amount of deaths in driving. A driver needs to understand, the text is not worth it. Stop texting and driving. In 2021 the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that there were 3,552 deaths related to distracted driving. That is 10.45 percent of the estimated average total of annual deaths due to driving, which is 34,000. When driving, drivers are not only affecting themselves, but the people around them. Reckless driving needs to be reduced. Speed limits need to be followed, seat belts need to be worn, and safety always needs to be the priority. Avoid substance abuse while driving. Not only is it a dangerous act, but it can also end up ruining a driver’s life by potentially receiving a DUI or even going as far as being charged for vehicular manslaughter. 13,384 people were killed from the act of drunk driving in 2021 according to the NHTSA. 39.36 percent of deaths on the road. Not only do you risk ruining your own life, but risk the lives of many others and their families and friends. Road rage should not get the best of you. No point is needed to be made that is more important than safety. If a driver cuts you off, even though it was not a safe move on their part, it is not in any circumstance an excuse to endanger yourself or others on the road. People with road rage may speed up and ‘tailgate’ a driver in order to ‘make a point’. What if that driver needs to emergency brake because of a crash ahead? Now there’s two crashes that could potentially lead to a ten car pile up. Your point was made, but now you may be dead because of it.

When I was young I experienced an act of reckless driving that led me to be a more responsible driver. My dad had been drinking and as kids my brother and I thought it would be fun to ride in the back of his truck while he drove. While he drove he was swerving on and off the road. I was unaware at the time that he was under the influence, so I thought he was just trying to mess with us. I was sitting atop his ice chest in the back and as we drove he took a huge swerve off the road. Right before I flung out of the back my brother grabbed me at the last second. I always think of this moment when I debate whether I should get in a car with someone who is intoxicated and the answer is always no.

I take steps to stay a responsible and safe driver. Whenever I enter a car I immediately put on my seatbelt, and when I’m driving with others in my own car I ask them to put theirs on as well. I can’t always predict the actions of others while I’m driving and securing a seatbelt is one way I can protect myself from other drivers. I keep my phone in my pocket and wait to answer any texts or calls once I reach my destination or if it’s urgent I pull over in a safe location. I would never drive under the influence or catch a ride with someone else who is under the influence. I take all the safety precautions I can when driving in order to ensure my safety and of those around me.

Driving is not a right, it is a privilege. Texting and driving, Road Rage, being under the influence, and more can all lead to that privilege being taken away. When you are driving you are in control of what you do, not other drivers; However the text isn’t worth it, your ego isn’t worth it, your life is not worth it. Do your part and keep the roads safe. Be a responsible driver and treat others safety how you would treat your own.


Safety Administration, National Highway Traffic. Distracted Driving. United States Department of Transportation, 2023.

Safety Administration, National Highway Traffic. Drunk Driving. United States Department of Transportation, 2023.