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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Drivers Education

Name: Janay Johnson
From: Miami, FL
Votes: 0

Drivers Education

Just a few years ago in 2016, a study was done that showed over thirty-seven thousand people died in motor vehicle crashes in the U.S. that year. Roughly that is a crash every five seconds, an injury every ten seconds and a death every twelve minutes (Does Driver Safety Training Reduce Crashes, 2018). With cases like this being the leading cause of death for teens, still fewer drivers are participating in driver education.

A decline in state funding and requirements is behind the reasoning for the steady decrease in teens participating in driver’s education. Research from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reveals that teens that skip driver education are involved in more crashes and receive more traffic convictions compared to their peers that did participate in driver’s education. “This research confirms what conventional wisdom tells us, driver education makes a difference” says Dr. William Van Tassel, AAA Manager of Driver Training Programs.

           One way to reduce deaths related to driving is to make sure young drivers are well-educated. Ultimately, the best way to ensure that young drivers on the road have proper training is to go through professional driving education. These courses teach valuable road skills, knowledge of the law, and establish the foundations for lifelong skills.  

           Next, it’s important to follow the speed limit when driving. Speeding limits are enforced to keep drivers and others on the road safe, so this is a no-brainer. According to the National Highway and Traffic Administration, speeding results in nearly ten thousand fatal injuries per year (How to Reduce Your Risk of Car Accidents on the Road, 2020). Almost like clockwork when you have somewhere to be there’s a traffic jam that slows you down. That’s why I always try to make sure I leave early enough that if I run into traffic I won’t have to speed and risk getting into a car accident.

           Another way all drivers on the road can prevent tragic car crashes is to drive defensively. To drive defensively means to reflect safe and thoughtful choices on the road. When put simply when a driver thinks of driving safely, they should act as if everyone else on the road is driving under some kind of influence. Typically, these drivers watch their speed, are courteous to other drivers, and don’t drive aggressively. This is my favorite way to drive as it has yet to fail me, when driving I avoid many close calls by staying alert and expecting the unexpected.

           Next, making sure that all your attention is on the road when driving is simple but can do a lot to reduce accidents. After driving for a few years most drivers start to feel comfortable and may think taking a bite of a burger or answering a quick text message isn’t that big of a deal. However, research shows that each day in the United States nine people are killed in fatal crashes and over 1000 people are injured in accidents that involve at least one driver who is distracted (How to Reduce Your Risk of Car Accidents on the Road, 2020). This Is why out of fifty states forty-nine have laws against texting while driving.

           Lastly and probably the most infamous way to prevent car accidents is to drive sober. Drinking while driving is very dangerous and not only to yourself but everyone else that’s on the road. Many people make the mistake of thinking if they only had a small amount to drink their driving shouldn’t be affected. This isn’t the case, and no one should try and operate a car after drinking. Driving after drinking any amount of alcohol can impair your judgment and slow down your reaction time. In fact, according to the CDC data concerning crashes involving alcohol, one out of three traffic fatalities in the United States involves a drunk driver (How to Reduce Your Risk of Car Accidents on the Road, 2020). We have many resources to use instead of driving while drunk, like Uber and Lyft. For this reason, if I plan on drinking while I’m outside I will be responsible and use Uber to get where I want to go.

           The average person in a developed country has a one in one hundred lifetime risk of being killed in a road traffic accident, and a one in three-lifetime risk of being injured in that same accident (How to Reduce Car Accident Fatalities, 2023). With statistics like these, everyone on the road needs to do their part and their best to ensure that everyone gets to where they are trying to go safely.