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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Becoming a Defensive Driver

Name: Cortney Kriens
From: Elgin, Illinois
Votes: 0

Becoming a Defensive Driver

I remember my first day of driver’s education, the summer before my sophomore year of high school. I remember being so interested in all the new information about becoming a driver. I looked forward to getting my license and having the freedom to drive myself to places I wanted to go. I think every person learning to drive can understand the nerves and excitement that come with getting your license for the first time. It is not until you start driving that you understand the true dangers of being behind the wheel.

Without a driver’s education, I would not have fully understood the importance of being a safe driver. The driving class I took taught me the crucial point of being a defensive driver. After a couple of years of implementing defensive driving, I can respond safely to hazards on the road, to other drivers, or to dangerous weather conditions. Without my driver education class, I could be a danger to those driving on the road around me. I learned how to drive in poor weather conditions including icy roads or storms due to attending my driver’s class. I still utilize the information I learned from that class while I drive today which has taught me to be an attentive driver aware of my surroundings.

A way to reduce the number of deaths related to driving comes by driving defensively and driving without distractions. A defensive driver understands the importance of responding to situations safely by taking the steps of locking your car when you get in it, checking your mirrors regularly, being aware of what is ahead of you, and wearing a seatbelt. I think drivers need to clear their heads by leaving all the stress at the door and focus on driving with the purpose of getting to their destination safely. I believe one major point of distraction when driving is the utilization of phones whether it be to text, call, or play music. One way to reduce the usage of phones is to put them away in a bag and on silent while driving. I also believe giving drivers an incentive to drive safely is another way to reduce deaths due to driving. This can be done by insurance companies providing more opportunities for lower monthly costs from safe driving or implementing a rewards survey that drivers can take to help them brush up on their driving skills.

Every time I drive a vehicle I see some form of reckless driving on my way to school, work, or a friend’s house. Getting behind the wheel is a risk for everyone in the vehicle, which is a scary thought to have as driving is essential to get to the place you want to go. I believe that many of the accidents that happen while driving are preventable but happen due to drivers being impatient or speeding. I was in an accident myself which thankfully did not cause any harm to me or the passenger in my car. It was on a dark school night after leaving a friend’s house when I approached a stop sign and was rear-ended. The person behind me did not sustain any injuries and ultimately caused the accident by being on their phone. This accident taught me the importance of becoming a defensive driver and watching for signs of possible careless driving because the next time I might be in an accident could cost me my life.

Steps that I can take to become a better driver are by clearing my head before starting to drive and giving myself a routine once I get in my vehicle. Putting on my seat belt first thing and making sure everyone in the car does that too before starting the car can save lives. I will make a routine of putting on my seat belt first, checking my mirrors, seeing how much gas I have, and making sure there are no messages on the dashboard before I start driving. The way I can help others become better drivers is by teaching them about becoming defensive drivers who recognize possible dangers and the value of controlling their temper while driving. Road rage leads to many preventable accidents which is why it is crucial to drive with an attentive and clear mindset. I think applying a routine once you get into a vehicle and driving with a clear headspace will help me and others to be cautious drivers on the road. The simple choice of choosing to be patient and aware can save many lives in the long run.