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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Safe Driving or No Driving

Name: Bria C Lee
From: Chesterfield , VA
Votes: 0

Safe Driving or No Driving

Driving is the leading cause of death in the United States for teenagers. It’s one of the most dangerous things a human can do, and the most tragic way a person can spend their last day. Driving is a privilege and can be taken away at any time. When not respecting safe driving, it endangers humans. I look up to all the adults around me and am thankful every day that I’m not put into any dangerous situation that I cannot get out of. Although I have not obtained my driver’s license, I will elaborate on how I would demonstrate safe driving to myself and others, safety procedures, and the risk of not obtaining the law of the roads.

Steps that I would take to ensure the safety of myself, and my passengers could potentially save my life and the others around me one day. To begin with, the basic rule of getting in a vehicle would always be to properly buckle up. According to the Virginia law, before driving off you and the passengers in the vehicle must wear your seatbelt. If pulled over while not wearing your seatbelt you can receive a ticket. With the upgraded safety operation of cars, A lot of cars now will particularly have a “ding ding ding” sound. This sound indicates that the someone in the vehicle does not have their seatbelt on. This will be a great opportunity to force your riders to practice driving and for you to protect yourself.

To further explain safe driving, As a driver you should always follow the safety laws of the road.

Safe driving can include going to the speed limit, following the two the three second rule, using turn signals, coming to a complete stop at stop signs, yielding to pedestrians, and focusing on the road. I feel like the permit test has a really good way of teaching all the rules but there are people who happen to dismiss it which are the main cause of accidents today. I feel like a lot of teenagers now are most at risk of accidents because they like to impress their friends. repeatedly, and go over the speed limit for a laugh. It’s incredibly dangerous and everyone in the vehicle and on the road are at risk of a collision.

Highway safety is also substantial to keeping everyone safe. The highway is the busiest road to operate a vehicle on. It’s where people drive at the highest speed limit and is the most prominent area where car accidents take place. The highway is also very prone to road rage. Road rage can lead to violence, jail time, and possible loss of license. Thousands of people have filed police reports as a result of road rage. It can be fatal as it has been the cause to many deaths. On the road, they take more chances. High-angry drivers are more likely to exceed the speed limit by 10 to 20 mph, swerve suddenly, tailgate, and approach a junction when the light turns red.

In 2020, data states that over 37 people die every day due to drunk driving. That means every death was preventable and didn’t have to happen. Driving after intoxication increases the risk of accidents because it impairs judgment, concentration, reaction time, eyesight, and motor abilities. It is a very hazardous situation to put yourself and the others around you in. According to the CDC, over 10,000 people are killed each year by drunk drivers. Call a friend or use a rideshare if you feel unfit to drive after a night of drinking rather than attempting to do so yourself. Driving while intoxicated is not worth the risk to your safety or the life of your loved ones.

In the final analysis, I have listed tips on safe driving for myself and for others, safety procedures, and the risk of not obtaining the law of the roads. Everyone who has a driver’s license should participate in following the rules of the road. Driving can be very difficult at times and people might have tough decisions to make. Always trust your gut and follow the rules of the law at the same time. Distracted driving can also include texting, talking on the phone, using a navigation system, and eating while operating a vehicle. You, your passengers, and other motorists could be put in danger by any of these distractions. Safe driving or no driving should always be taken into consideration when a life is on the line.