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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driving Towards a Safer Future: Combating Distracted Driving and Promoting Responsible Practices Among Young Drivers

Name: Jodi Felder
From: Highland, CA
Votes: 0

Driving Towards a Safer Future: Combating Distracted Driving and Promoting Responsible Practices Among Young Drivers

As a young individual, I am deeply concerned about the alarming number of driving-related deaths, particularly among young drivers. Car accidents rank as the second leading cause of death among teens, with distracted driving as a significant contributing factor. In this essay, I will explore the importance of driver education in reducing fatalities, propose technological solutions to address distracted driving, share personal experiences that have motivated my commitment to safe driving, and advocate for collective efforts to create a safer driving culture.

Distracted driving is an epidemic that negatively affects young people, making it one of the most pressing concerns in American society. Shockingly, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that car crashes are the second leading cause of death among teens. This issue is so pervasive that virtually everyone I know has been affected by distraction-related accidents, either directly or indirectly. It is a terrifying and serious problem that demands immediate attention and action.

I have witnessed the horrific after-effects that ripple through a community when distracted driving culminates in a tragedy. Some of the people that I’ve known since childhood or teen years have passed away due to reckless, distracted driving. When my father worked at a high school, he even knew a group of students who accidentally entered the freeway from the wrong direction and tragically passed away as a result. My sister’s high school friend, whom I had met numerous times, even passed away due to drunken, distracted driving from the person who hit her. In high school, I even witnessed a crash right before my eyes; the crushing, screeching sound of metal is still fresh in my mind.

This is a terrible epidemic that negatively affects young people, one of the most vulnerable groups in American society. This issue is so widespread that everyone I know has, in some way, been affected by distraction-related accidents, whether it happened to them or someone they know. It’s a very scary and serious issue that must be addressed.

To confront this issue head-on, I propose the development and implementation of a backseat console for cellphones in cars. By integrating the phone’s GPS and communication features into the car’s console, drivers can access directions and messages without reaching for their phones, thus minimizing distractions. I believe that requiring drivers to move their phones out of immediate reach could significantly reduce the number of young drivers involved in deadly car accidents due to texting and driving.

My personal history with car accidents, including witnessing one firsthand, has inspired me to seek practical solutions. The haunting sound of metal crushing together is still fresh in my mind, creating a fear of driving that I struggled to overcome. However, I have learned that reducing distracted driving habits can alleviate this fear and make driving safer for everyone.

As a responsible driver, I make a conscious effort to avoid distractions on the road. Although I am human and may make occasional mistakes, I have diligently worked on improving my driving habits. I constantly remind myself to scan for potential hazards and maintain focus on the road, avoiding distractions like colorful billboards or buildings. Additionally, I turn off the radio or keep the volume low to stay aware of other vehicles and pedestrians around me. I also refuse to answer my phone while driving, leaving it in the back seat, away from temptation. My focus remains solely on the task at hand: driving safely.

While personal responsibility is crucial, creating a safer driving environment requires collective efforts. Educational campaigns, public service announcements, and school programs play a pivotal role in raising awareness about the dangers of distracted driving. Moreover, car manufacturers can significantly contribute by developing and promoting backseat consoles for cellphones as standard features in vehicles. By working together as a society, we can foster a culture of responsible driving and safeguard the lives of young drivers, who represent the future of our nation.

Implementing such a solution may pose challenges, as phone navigation is now an integral part of driving. However, this should not deter us from striving to make our roads safer. To address the concern of visual navigation, along with the backseat console for cell phones, car companies should incorporate a USB port in vehicles. This way, drivers can still view directions and maps on the car’s navigator without having their phones nearby. In emergency situations or the need to contact someone, drivers should be encouraged to pull over safely before accessing their phones.

By mandating car companies to develop these consoles, and raising awareness through ad campaigns about the benefits of utilizing them, we can foster a safer driving environment. I envision a future where thousands, if not millions, of drivers have their phones in the backseat, with their eyes firmly on the road instead of their cell phones. With this solution, we can protect the young people who will shape America’s future and drive towards a safer society.

In conclusion, as we strive to reduce driving-related fatalities, driver education stands as a critical foundation for building safer roads. By implementing technological advancements and fostering a culture of responsible driving, we can drive towards a future where our roads are safer for all.