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Driver Education 2020 – Life Is Just Once In a Lifetime so Drive Safely With It

Name: Terence Mhar Ordonio
From: St. Andrews, NB
Votes: 17051

Life Is Just Once In a Lifetime so Drive Safely With It

is Just Once in a Lifetime so Drive Safely With it

That’s the first thing that popped into my head the time I dreamt
of having a driver’s license. It’s just recently that I passed my
driver’s license and I am overjoyed and proud of myself as I truly
deserve it for diligently studying by heart the driver’s handbook
and the rules of the road as well. I am passionate in travelling and
adventure so obtaining a driver’s license and owning a car allows
me to live out my passion. Owning a car comes with great
responsibility due to accidents related to it. Some are minor
accidents, or violations that needs to be paid from our hard earn
money and worst is death.

reduce number of deaths as a result of driving, there’s nothing
more important than to comply to the road rules and the practice of
defensive and responsible driving and we can attain these by
educating ourselves or by the help of companies that provides drivers
learning. As a result, we will be a more transformed person fitted on
the driver’s seat. A driver must be physically capable and mentally
healthy for safe driving as there are situations when a driver
suffering from sickness makes him loses focus while driving that
leads to accident. It is a driver’s obligation to fully educate
himself and abide to the road rules by heart. Road regulations might
change from time to time so it is ideal to be updated or attend
trainings that is of importance for drivers to eliminate accidents.

back 2016 I am travelling with my family for vacation and on the way,
we got involved to road accident. According to the police report the
bus driver liable for the accident is over speeding when he hit the
car in front of it. With the impact, the car that was hit which is
behind us manage to crash in our cars rear side, luckily no one got a
major injury. I am very worried that time especially to my sister
which is sitting or the rear side of our car. Accidents happens any
time but it can be avoided by practice of safe driving.

be a better and safer driver, we must always respect the rules of the
road. Most importantly think of the importance of life every time we
drive. Be mindful of our life, the life of our passengers, the life
of others who are also driving that we might destroy due to being a
reckless driver. Think of the sorrows for our love ones, the pain and
suffering if we lost our life because of involvement in fatal
accidents as a result of driving recklessly. We only have one life
and there’s nothing happier in this world than living life to the
fullest together with our love ones.