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Driver Education 2020 – Driver Education and Preventing Distracted Driving

Name: Natalie DeLand
From: Milford, Michigan
Votes: 0

Drivers ed and Preventing Distracted Driving



Drivers ed and
Preventing Distracted Driving

education is so important to every individual in society. Drivers
education classes are essential to learn the rules of the road. Of
course, most driving is learned by doing. With the topic of driving,
it is important for new drivers to take it slow and at their own
comfortability. By this I don’t mean driving slow, but drivers
should start by driving around town and getting more comfortable.
Eventually, these new drivers will get to the point where they can
drive on highways. New teen drivers with little experience have a
higher chance of getting in an accident. Therefore, it is essential
for them to take drivers ed classes in attempts to prevent
accidents and deaths.

The biggest problem
right now is distracted driving due to cell phones. Next time you
drive around, try to notice how many people you see holding their
phones or looking down while driving. It’s scary to think about how
many accidents are caused by careless actions by the use of cell

In my own life,
thankfully I have never been in a bad car accident. However, I know
people who have been in car accidents. I have seen my friends text
and drive frequently, so it doesn’t surprise me that they’ve gotten
in accidents. I have pointed it out to them, because my life and
others lives on the road are in their hands. Bad accidents happen all
the time, and people never think it will happen to them, until it
does, and by then it’s too late. New drivers should learn from the
mistakes of irresponsible drivers before they become one themselves.
We can all take precautions to reduce and prevent the number of
deaths on the road.

Everyone can take
steps to become a safer driver on the road. In order to focus solely
on the road, phones need no attention. The first step is to make sure
your phone is on silent as soon as you get in the car. Turning on do
not disturb would be an extra precaution to avoid temptations or
urges to check your text notifications. If you need directions to get
somewhere, make sure that it is set up before driving to your
destination. Some people choose songs to play while driving in their
car. In order to prevent going on cell phones to choose music, make a
playlist for your favorite car music or listen to the radio. You can
also ask siri to play a certain song without looking at your phone.
These are simple and easy steps we can all take to prevent distracted
driving, which then prevents accidents and deaths. Distracted driving
is a big problem on the road, but if everyone chooses to be
responsible drivers, it can become a little problem.