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Driver Education 2020 – Know The Rules… Know Your Surroundings

Name: Ellie Herrington
From: Marble Falls, Texas
Votes: 0

Know The Rules… Know Your Surroundings

The Rules… Know Your Surroundings

education is a vital part of becoming a safe and responsible driver. 
My online course and the experience of driving with my parents gave
me the tools necessary to be a good driver.  Now that I have
been driving for several years, I realize just how important the
rules are for my safety and the safety of other drivers on the road. 
Until you have the experience of driving it’s hard to remember all
the things you have to do to be safe, like checking the mirrors,
looking around you and anticipating what is happening up ahead. 
The only thing between me and an accident waiting to happen was
Drivers ed lessons and experience behind the wheel with a
veteran driver. The videos and the tests which assured I understood
the material were an integral part to become proficient and to make
me aware of the results of bad decisions while driving.  

friends and I always look out for each other when we are in the car
together.  We hold each other accountable and remind each other
of the consequences of not focusing.  We text, and make calls
for the person driving. Fortunately, none of my friends or I have
been in a serious accident.  There was that little fender bender
in the school parking lot where another student, who just got their
license, turned into me by misjudging the length of her front end.
That lesson taught me to take responsibility by confronting and
taking care of the situation with the student, parents and
insurance.  (Life lesson… Adulting is hard!) We live in a
rural area and deer seem to be the main cause of accidents. It is
necessary to always pay attention to the road and use peripheral
vision to watch for potential mishaps that can occur.

is important to focus during drivers ed and listen to more
experienced drivers to help become a good driver yourself, but as
part of a community of drivers it is important to keep your friends
accountable and to know the rules and pay attention to others on the
road.  You can only control what you do behind the wheel but you
can be aware, note and predict what others drivers are doing as well.
Know the rules… know your surroundings.