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Driver Education 2020 – Life-Saving Education

Name: Abigail Harrigan
From: Manassas, Virginia
Votes: 0

Life-Saving Education


stared at the screen, my fear of driving increasing by the minute. It
was a July afternoon in 2016 and I was watching a driver’s
education video on reckless driving. This required video in driver
education is drilled into my mind forever, reminding me of the
extreme consequences of reckless, inattentive driving.

education is imperative in reducing the amount of deaths accounted
for by car accidents. Learning how to park, how to shift into
reverse, and how to turn using blinkers are not the only important
parts of drivers ed. The rules of not texting and driving, not
going over the speed limit, and not driving under the influence are
necessary to teach people. When a person enrolls in driver’s
education, it should not only be looked at as learning how to operate
a vehicle, but it should be looked at as how to save lives. When one
learns how to operate a vehicle carefully, following the rules, lives
are saved, more than people can imagine.

year, there are numerous deaths reported due to car accidents.
However, families grieve a loss more than a person can grasp. That
will never go away. A measure that can be taken to reduce the number
of deaths, is the absence of distractions. These distractions can
include technology, people, pets, music, and even food. People should
turn off cell phones, and teens under eighteen ought to follow the
limit of passengers in the car. These rules are in place for a reason
and may seem harmless to break, but when broken, a life is at stake.

had an encounter with a reckless driver the first time I went on the
road after learning for a couple of weeks in a parking lot. I was
driving slow, and the driver behind me tailgated me and held his hand
on the horn all the way to the stoplight and all the way through the
red light. I was terrified, but I also learned an important lesson.
When I am driving, I also have to look out for potential dangerous
drivers or situations. My careful driving can prevent a dangerous
encounter. Even if it would not be my fault to get into a car
accident, I have the power to avoid these situations.

be a better and safer driver on the road I will avoid listening to
music loud and will avoid driving over the speed limit. Once I
started driving more and more, I became really comfortable driving.
And that sense of comfort brings danger along with it. When someone
becomes too comfortable, the rules can be seen as unnecessary.
However, these rules are life-saving and should always be followed no
matter how comfortable driving becomes.