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Driver Education 2020 – The experience I will not forget

Name: Krystal Pester
From: Havre, Montana
Votes: 0

The experience I will not forget

has a story to tell about what they have experience while driving or
being in the passenger seat. Every day there are so many accidents
happening because the person is texting on their phone or hit a patch
of black ice. The wreck could happen with a drunk driver hitting a
car in the other lane. With traveling in a car gives you the freedom
of seeing our beautiful country.

going to tell a story about when I was in car accident with my
husband on Christmas Day, 2019. My husband and I left our apartment
early morning on Christmas Day to spend the day with my parents and
brother. The weather was very foggy from one town until we got to
the town before we turn onto the interstate. We took it very slowly
because we were hauling our camper because my parents didn’t much
room for us to stay. After, we got up a hill on the interstate and
getting close to the exit where we have to turn. The pickup hit a
patch of black ice and I saw my husband doing his best to correct the
pickup before going into the ditch. As we were going into the ditch
it happened so fast. When going into the ditch the camper hit the
pickup and making the pickup land on the passenger side. When the
pickup landed, I immediately scream because the pickup landed on the
passenger side with my right shoulder hitting the door. I was
wearing my seat belt, but my husband didn’t it. None of the
windows broke and my husband was ok, so he asked me to get his shoe.
I told him that I couldn’t because I couldn’t move my shoulder.
He was able to get out of the pickup through his door. I got out of
my seat belt and stood on the arm rest to grab his arm, so while he
pulled me out with one arm. I got up and was sitting on the pickup
and accidently let the door down on his thumb which just turn out to
be badly bruised.

we both look at the pickup and camper one was damaged and the other
just a little damaged. I told him I couldn’t moved my shoulder, so
he had call 911 to get help while I was doing that I was crying
because the wreck happened so fast. We had a family stop to see if
we need any help, so they made room for me to sit to keep warm until
the paramedics got there. When we got to the emergency room, they
were looking at my shoulder, and found out that I badly bruised it.
I did physical therapy. I thank god were having us be ok. I know
every Christmas that memory will come up and make me feel that God
was there with us. After the wreck I always make sure I wear my seat
belt, and make sure my husband is wearing his too.