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Drivers Ed Online – My Drivers Ed Experience

Name: Kimani Henson-Elliott
From: Capitol Heights, Maryland
Votes: 0

My Drivers Ed Experience

When I became the
age of 16 I knew I had to change. Uber and Lyft weren’t always
going to be the best option in life. They cost money especially if
you used them daily. I remember the day that I spoke to my mom about
getting my license and how I was supposed to pay for a car. This was
my first time talking about being my own transportation, so it was
kind of overwhelming. I didn’t know anything about the proper
drivers ed classes, road test or even what a two point turn
was a thing. When I had the conversation with my mom I started to do
my research on everything I needed to know.

I looked up multiple
different driving schools in my area. I studied the Department of
Motor Vehicles website and rules. I downloaded practice tests on my
phone and studied as much as I could. I attended Arrive Alive Driving
School here in the state of Maryland. After my first class I
understood why it was so important to attend driving school.

As teenagers we
never really want to take anything serious. Even when we become young
adults. Driving is something that needs to be taken very seriously
instead of lightly. It is important to attend these classes when
teens and young adults die everyday on the road just because they or
someone else didn’t follow a rule that they didn’t listen to in
driving school. Driving is a daily part of living but can end your
life within a blink of an eye.

Attending driver’s
ed school for two straight weeks after school was new to me. My class
would start at six and end at nine. I made this my priority because I
one really wanted a car and two I wanted to make sure that when I get
my car I have learned what I need to be a safe driver. Therefore I
missed games, cheerleading events and more at school because I was
determined to go about driving the wright way.