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Drivers Ed Online – Reducing Risk on the Road

Name: Andrew Bibens
From: Salem, Oregon
Votes: 0

Reducing Risk on the Road


Risk on the Road

nowadays has become a significant part of the American lifestyle. It
allows people to move around quickly, making us more productive.
However, despite our reliance on these vehicles, it does come with
its risks. 34,000 people die every year as a result of driving in
America, which is more than the number of Americans who have died in
the Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined. With a number this large, I
think it would be a good idea to share my opinion on the importance
of drivers ed and how to stay safe on the road.

importance of obtaining a proper drivers ed is not
something to easily brush off. It can take hundreds of hours to fully
understand traffic laws, road signs, and how your vehicle works.
However, learning and understanding these concepts can greatly
decrease your chances of getting in an accident and can even save
your life. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to deal with
basically any situation on the road. But this is only where the
difficult part begins.

the best way to learn these skills is to drive on the road yourself,
which can be overwhelming at first, and also puts your life at risk,
but there is a way to mitigate this. In my experience, driving with
an experienced driver next to you can be a great help. My father has
been driving for 32 years, and every time I drive with him, he gives
me advice on what to do if I’m not sure about an upcoming situation
in front of me. He’s also important because he can act as another
set of eyes to look out for dangers on the road. I think part of the
reason why I’ve never been involved in a major accident was because
he drives most of the time, and I am grateful for that. With him
watching out for me, he’s been a great help in improving my driving
skills to help keep myself and others safe on the road.

having an experienced driver can help with developing skill on the
road, there are other ways to keep safe and avoid accidents. One
option is to limit distractions. This includes the obvious phone by
perhaps throwing it into the backseat or glove compartment when
driving, or making sure the radio isn’t too loud to hear outside
noises. Another option is to drive defensively when you need to.
Sometimes you might have a tiring day but still have to drive home.
With this fatigue, you’re much more likely to have less focus on
the road and therefore more likely to get in an accident. Such things
would include staying in the rightmost lane for most of your trip or
taking time at turns to make sure you have enough distance from the
other cars to make it safely. Practicing small things like this can
help improve your focus on the road in order to avoid unnecessary
risks and accidents.