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Drivers Ed Online – In the Driver’s Seat Essay

Name: Cayla Williams
From: Chesapeake, Virginia
Votes: 0

In the Driver’s Seat Essay

the Driver’s Seat Essay

accidents are among the leading causes of death in the United States
each year. Many of these accidents are avoidable and would not happen
if the driver had enough knowledge about driving. It is important for
all drivers to be well educated on traffic laws, road signs, and how
to react in certain scenarios. Many people may think that they are
educated drivers because they passed drivers ed and pay
attention to street signs, but these things do not qualify them as an
educated driver. The difference between being an educated driver and
being a driver that follows rules, is that an educated driver applies
logic and knowledge to their driving, rather than reacting or using
common sense. If a driver is educated, he can stop the accident
before it even happens, resulting in fewer deaths and accidents.

some accidents resulting in deaths are unavoidable, there are steps
that we can take to ensure that we do not cause those accidents.
Avoiding distractions, obeying traffic laws, and not driving while
under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or extreme emotions are all
steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths due to
automobile accidents.

following all the steps to be a safe, educated driver isn’t always
good enough. Four years ago, my family and I were driving home from
the grocery store and we were rear-ended by a distracted driver. My
dad, who was driving at the time was following the rules as he
should, but the accident still happened. Fortunately, our SUV was
hardly damaged, and no one suffered from serious injuries. However,
the entire accident could have been avoided if the other driver had
decided to say no to distracted driving. We were blessed that
everything was okay, but many other people do not have a positive
ending the same story.

accidents can be easily avoided. As a driver, I should be doing all
that I can to be a better and safe driver. Ignoring distractions such
as incoming calls or texts allows me to keep my focus on the road,
where it needs to be. I should also pay attention to how I am
feeling, if my mind or judgement is clouded in any way, I should
refrain from getting behind the wheel. Another important thing to do
is always follow the laws. They are in place to keep for safety and
when we break one, we are risking the lives of others. Lastly, as a
driver I need to not only be aware of myself but others around me,
commonly known as defensive driving. When I am driving, I need to
watch what is going on around me, as well as potential hazards. I
should also be keeping others accountable and set a good example. By
following these steps, not only will I be a better driver, but I can
help make the roads safer for others. Practicing safe driving saves