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Drivers Ed Online – Driver Education Initiative 2020: In the Driver’s Seat

Name: Nia Brown
From: Decatur, GA
Votes: 0

Drivers ed Initiative 2020: In the Driver’s Seat




Drivers ed Initiative 2020: In the Driver’s Seat

According to the National Safety Council, an estimated 38,800 people
lost their lives in 2019 due to car crashes in the U.S. It is
imperative that the importance of drivers ed is enforced in and
outside of school systems to reduce the fatality rate as a result of
driving. By educating both young and old adults on the importance of
keeping themselves and other drivers safe, this will hopefully lower
the amount of car accidents that occur every year in the U.S.
Personally, I have been in a car accident before, at the age of four.
Fortunately, the car accident I was in was minor, and only affected
the bumper of my parents’ car. The cause of the accident was due to
the driver behind us using his phone and not paying attention to his
surroundings. After our car stopped at a red light, he slowed down
but kept moving forward, causing the front of their car to bump into
the back of ours. Thankfully, everyone was okay, but the incident
could have been worse if the driver was travelling at a faster speed.

To avoid similar mistakes, there are plenty of steps that I can take
to be a safer and more responsible driver on the road. For one, I can
always make sure to check and adjust my mirrors every time I drive,
especially when changing lanes or turning on roads. By doing so, this
makes me more aware of other drivers and last-minute decisions that
they make that could affect my safety and other people’s as well.
Another step I can take is to follow the required speed limits on
roads and keep a safe distance from the car in front of me. By not
driving too fast (or too slow), I can lessen the risk of hitting the
car in front of me if they have to suddenly stop for an unexpected
reason. Finally, to be a better driver I can remind myself to not use
my phone, whether that includes calling or texting, while driving.
This is highly dangerous, and it is preferable to be “hands-free”
while operating a vehicle.

To help others to be safer on the road, I can share my personal
experience of being in a car accident to hopefully remind them as to
why it is so important to follow driving rules and guidelines. When
driving, one must always make sure all passengers are wearing
seatbelts, and should always slow down for hazards before coming to
them, so they are in control of the vehicle. Lastly, I always tell my
friends and family that it’s better to lose a minute of your life,
than your life in a minute. Not answering a text sent to you right
away can help keep yourself safe and those driving around you,
because checking that text message can distract you and lead to
disastrous and even fatal crashes.