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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Driving Education

Name: dajoura hansley
From: WILMINGTON, North Carolina
Votes: 0

The Impotance of Driving Education

Importance of Drivers ed

importance of drivers ed is to keep you and others safe on
the road if you are ignorant to the rules of the road you are not
meant to be a driver as a driver you have to be aware of your
movements and others movements. If everyone was aware of all the
rules of the road the number of vehicle accidents would be greatly
reduced. I believe some steps we can take is to always refresh your
memory by reading your driving manual.

you have been driving for twenty years or twenty days it’s never a
bad idea to study. If you have ever experienced a car crash before
maybe it was a big one or a little one but the memory always stays
with you.

have been in a total of three car accidents (I was never the one
driving) my most memorable crash was when I was on the school bus and
a lady hit the bus because she wasn’t paying attention to the road
she was on her phone I can remember being on my street but I still
had to wait for my parents to come get me being a young child I was
scared even though I did nothing wrong. After having that experience,
I never want to put any child through that.

a new driver to protect myself and others on the road I will stay up
to date on my driving rules and always be attentive because that’s
the number one problem people have. Not paying attention to the road.