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Drivers Ed Online – Buckle Up Every Time!

Name: Maa Bruce-Amanquah
From: Windermere, Florida
Votes: 1

Buckle Up Every Time!


Up Every time!

you have any idea how many car ads on television show a possibility
of an accident if the occupants didn’t have that specific car
brand? It’s already bad enough there are companies that make cars
with no doors. Regardless of the type of car you have or if it’s
the latest model, there is always a possibility of getting into a car
accident. Most of the times, it isn’t your fault as there’s a
number of people on the road whom pays attention because apparently
replying to a text or smoking are more important than a human life.
Why do you think you drivers ed is important? To show
future drivers the necessity to be safe on the road because it’s
not just you out there. Look at it as if it’s up to you on how you
want to impact the million lives out there, including pedestrians.
Driving is not supposed to be easy, which is why we need things like
drivers ed and professional driving instructors to show us
the better and more responsible way of driving. For example, your
phone isn’t going anywhere unless you miraculously telepathically
drop it on the floor. The easiest and safest thing to do is stop in a
parking lot so you can focus on getting your phone and not the person
behind you honking. If that doesn’t work, then make sure that your
phone is at the safe distance from you, so it doesn’t drop to begin
with. At the same time, all it takes is common sense.

am lucky to say that I haven’t been in a car accident and I hope it
will stay that way for as long as I live. Even though I don’t say
it, I’m glad when I want to call my friends, they text or call back
that they couldn’t answer me because they were driving. Everyone
can learn from that. Wait until you are off the road to get to your
texts and messages. No one has to go through a car accident to
realize there was another way to stay safe. Even though I have my
driver’s license, I’m hesitant to be on the road as I fear of the
potential reckless drivers out there. But unless I plan to walk to
all of my destinations, I have to be comfortable being behind the
wheel. All I have to do is follow the rules: indicate where I’m
turning, stop at every stop sign, have a safe distance from the car
in front of me during traffic, and pay attention to what or who’s
in front of me. Have common courtesy for those who are on the road to
avoid things like car accidents and road rage. Everyone just wants to
reach their destination as stress free as possible.