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Drivers Ed Online – A privilege not a right

Name: Camille Lecourtois
From: Miami, Florida
Votes: 0

A privilege not a right

Many people dream of
the day they get to drive but few take seriously the need to learn
the rules and ways to be a safer driver. If more classes, both book
wise and hands on were required, the numbers of accidents would go
down. Many times, teens are given their licenses without truly
learning the material and rules on the road, leading to avoidable
deadly accidents. Stricter requirements when it comes to getting
their license and showing them realistic PSAs should be implemented
to create awareness and decrease the number of accidents. I
personally have seen a fair share of irresponsible driving whether it
be over the speed limit, no hand driving, texting and driving just to
name a few. I personally lost a really close friend to reckless
driving a day before Christmas eve. He loved cars and loved the rush
of driving fast but I believe that if they would have been given more
of an education in driving and stricter laws were implemented then
maybe it wouldn’t have happened. The pain felt after the loss I use
as a motivation to be a safe driver. Knowing what I would put my
friends through and my family through really makes you think twice
before making the decision to drive irresponsible. To avoid causing
anyone any kind of pain due to my reckless driving. Driving should
not be a right but Instead privilege that should be earned because
the lives of others are way more important than the right to drive
without the proper education.