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Drivers Ed Online – High School pressures

Name: Tony Woo Jr.
From: Pasadena, Maryland
Votes: 0

High School pressures

some students, High School is the best four years of their life and
they had a blast but to others, High School wasn’t all that great
and it consisted of some moments they’d never want to relive. High
school is a time where teenagers just want to fit in and be seen as
“cool” or “popular”. Pressure to look cool and impress
friends rises rapidly through High School. I have first handedly
witnessed some students that go to my high school speed, blast music,
and swerve in and out of lanes because it’s “funny” or “cool”.
Some of these students are even close friends of mine. After watching
some of my peers drive recklessly, I asked them why they do it.
Everyone I’ve talked to about reckless driving has said something
along the lines of  “We’re just having fun.” or “It’s
ok, I’m a good driver”. After hearing these responses and
witnessing my friends get in car accidents, I am realizing how
important Drivers ed is. Action needs to be taken now. People
of all ages should receive consistent drivers ed so they are
reminded how serious driving is and the risks it poses. Driver
education is pertinent to keeping the roads safe and reducing the
number of deaths related to driving. Getting a learners permit and a
driver’s license is much too easy and quick nowadays. After passing a
simple 25 question test, anyone can earn a learners permit. It is
absurd to me that you only need 22 out of 25 questions correct to
receive a learners permit. People are allowed to receive a learner’s
permit without a full understanding or set of skills needed to drive
safely. Whether a driver has their learners permit or license doesn’t
change the fact that the person in the driver seat has full control
of the vehicle. Drivers ed is important because it educates
future drivers of the rules on the roads and teaches them how to stay
safe. Also, drivers ed is important in reducing the number of
deaths as a result of driving because it teaches you how to protect
yourself and others on the roads and it prepares you for when you
drive alone. Overall, it teaches you the basics of driving such as
how to merge and parallel park. Steps that can be taken to reduce the
number of deaths related to driving are remaining vigilant, keeping
your phone on do-not-disturb and out of reach, and driving
defensively. There are some crazy drivers out there and driving
defensively is the best way to stay safe. Defensive driving means to
protect yourself from other dangerous drivers by doing things such as
moving out of their way and letting them pass. Steps I will take to
be a better and safer driver are keeping my music low and always
paying attention. I sometimes catch myself playing music too loud so
that is definitely something I will be working on by setting a volume
limit for myself.