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Drivers Ed Online – Vehicles are not toys!

Name: Alexander Boyd
From: Tallahassee, Florida
Votes: 0

Vehicles are not toys!

are not toys!

the chance to drive wherever you want, whenever you want and however
you want is a privilege, not a right. Cars, well vehicles in general
or very sophisticated machines that should be handled with care. Any
slight imperfections after a driver’s ability to stay focus will not
only put the driver in danger but also so many others who are on the
road, sidewalk, or in public locations. Drivers ed teaches all!
Not just newcomers the importance of staying focused on keeping their
eyes on the road and taking care of their needs before setting off on
their journey. It teaches the rules of the road, the importance of
hands-free driving, and the outcome of not staying vigilant while
behind the wheel. There are many different ways to prevent accidents
that may or may not be cost by oneself. Keeping your hands on the
steering wheel, only keep your eyes on the road, checking all blind
spots before turning or switching lanes, or using all necessary
switches that will indicate the movement of the vehicle. I have not
experienced being in a car accident but I do have a couple of friends
and family that stays on their phone while driving. When they are not
on their phone they are either looking for something while driving or
not being responsible while being behind the wheel. The best thing
that everyone can do to become a better driver is to stay cautious,
stay focused, and stay off the phone while driving.