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Drivers Ed Online – Route 66

Name: Jimmy Kao
From: Sugar Land, TX
Votes: 0

Route 66

Drivers ed Scholarship


The first time we put our hands on the wheel is quite exciting yet
nerve-racking. Eventually, it becomes a normal routine where we don’t
think about driving and instead we just drive. It becomes engrained
and natural to have our hands on the wheel. However, it wasn’t like
this at the beginning of our driving career. Drivers ed is
basic knowledge of driving without the actual driving. It is the
theory of driving and how it works. Most teenagers find the idea of
drivers ed to be a waste of time but in actuality, it
contains so much important information that keeps drivers safe both
mentally and physically. Understanding the laws, creating good
habits, and honing the skill of driving are crucial to reducing the
deaths occurred on US roads. Though classroom attendance is not
necessary, there are other alternatives such as parent teaching
methods which are becoming popular. I personally believe the
classroom setting is the best at reducing accidents and deaths
because parents are just as fallible to having bad habits that get
passed onto their children. Driving instructors are very observant
and vigilant at recognizing bad driving habits that may not be
noticed by your average driver. In this period of time where
technology is incorporated into our daily routine, it is even more
dangerous to be at the wheel. Both teenagers and adults are
susceptible to having serious accidents because cellphones and other
technologies occupy us while we drive. We are so easily distracted
and encompassed with our lives that we tend to ignore the things
around us. When this happens in a car, we can hurt ourselves and
potentially others who obviously can’t control what we do. Alcohol
consumption is also a big issue that affects everyone involved on the
road. As a society, we need to understand that we can’t control
what others do but we need to take control of what we can do
ourselves. This starts with not being distracted with technology or
caving into the temptation of drunk driving. We can always talk and
text later. We can always call a cab, a friend, or even our parents!
All of these situations may be embarrassing but we need to understand
that people care for us and we should not let our ego affect our
driving. Thankfully I have never experienced anything more than a
fender bender but I have seen a fellow student of mine who died from
drinking and driving. While it’s understandable that teenagers want
to fit in and not feel like an outcast, we must educate everyone that
our safety is worth more than anything else in the world. A person’s
death has an immense impact on the lives of others who must go
through the phases of grieving. Nobody should have to live with
regrets and that is why everyone’s safety matters.