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Drivers Ed Online – Safety Equals Sanity

Name: Ariana Sutter
From: North Kingstown, Rhode Island
Votes: 0

Safety Equals Sanity

education is important because it makes sure to inform every student
that they are responsible for who and what enters their vehicle while
driving. While driving a friend or family member, if an accident
occurs and it is their fault, they must deal with the mental,
emotional, financial, and physical outcomes of this accident. This is
why it is so crucial to make sure that you are driving safely,
especially when there are other people in the vehicle. This education
class makes sure it is crucially known how deadly distracted driving
can be. The steps that can be taken to reduce the number of driving
related deaths is a longer driving test. Instead of just showing
merging lanes, a three-point-turn, and following the speed limit, the
instructor should conduct other tests seeing if the test-taker can
handle and ignore distractions. From ignoring outside distractions,
to the passenger acting up, the driver should always focus on the
road and their surroundings so that nothing comes up as a surprise.
When I was younger my mother was an alcoholic. She was so mentally
incapacitated that she would still drive with my two younger brothers
and I in the car, risking our lives. My mom would swerve, speed, and
almost crashed a few times. We got pulled over once while she was
intoxicated, but the police officer did not notice. I felt helpless
in the situation since I tried to signal him yet my efforts failed. I
can become a safer driver by making sure to limit any and all
distractions possible. From putting my phone out of reach, to making
sure my music is not too loud, just to ensure that I am as safe as
possible. I want to ensure that my driving is safe so as to make sure
I am not putting anyone else at risk like I was. I make sure that I
know what is around me while driving so that if need be, I can react
in the best and most effective way possible. I can make sure that the
people I drive with are safe by making sure they are focused on the
road, do not act out of rage, and ensure that they are not on their