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Drivers Ed Online – Drivers Education: It can save your life.

Name: Emily Castillo
From: Spring, Texas
Votes: 0

Drivers ed: It can save your life.

Education: It can save your life.

Emily Castillo

The time has come
where you can finally learn how to drive. For most, this time fills
one with the feelings of excitement and independence. Learning how to
drive can be an exciting experience, but it should also be an
experience that one takes seriously from the beginning to the end. As
one may know drivers ed is like a course taught in a school
where you’re provided with information and tested on that
information. To some, this may feel burdensome and one may feel that
they do not need all of that information, but they do. The
information taught in drivers ed can save yours or another
person’s life one day. Knowing how long it is going to take for you
to stop at a certain speed or how to check your blind spots are just
two of the many things taught in drivers ed that can be used
to reduce car accidents and potential deaths. It is important for a
new driver, and even older drivers, to learn and always remember what
they were taught in drivers ed to keep themselves and others
safe on the road. To be an educated and safe driver is something to
be proud of.

Learning the steps
it takes to be a safer driver and to be able to reduce the number of
deaths related to driving is also important. Reducing cell phone
usage while driving, remembering to always wear your seatbelt, and
remembering never to drive under any influence of any drug are some
steps that one can take to help reduce driving-related deaths.
Another step is to review the information that was taught in driver
education to refresh and remind yourself of the rules of the road and
driving. Some other steps that others and I can take to become safer
drivers would be to imagine as if the cars around you were filled
with loved ones. This would encourage a driver to be a more alert
driver and safer around those cars. Encouraging loved ones and
friends to be a safe and better driver is also a great way to make
the roads safer for everyone.

Just because
someone has their divers license and has been through driver’s
education does not always mean they are a safe driver. An important
lesson taught in drivers’ education is to never text and drive
however, some of my friends and family members have forgotten this
lesson. These individuals believe that they are capable of doing both
at the same time, but that is just not the case. All it takes is just
one simple glance to long at your phone and the next thing you know
you have hit a car or even worse a pedestrian. It is always important
to remind those that you see texting while driving that it is not
worth it and that it can always wait.