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Drivers Ed Online – Preventing Car Accidents: The Steps That Many People Overlook

Name: Hailey Rathmann
From: Valdosta, GA
Votes: 0

Preventing Car Accidents: The Steps That Many People Overlook

Car Accidents

of the car accidents that occur in the U.S. are caused by new
drivers, especially teenagers. Every driver should understand basic
driving guidelines and procedures that can prevent him/her from
becoming the next victim or cause of a car accident. At the time I am
writing this, the United States is suffering from the Covid-19
outbreak. My state has temporarily lifted the requirements for new
drivers to pass both a knowledge and a road test to obtain a Class D
driver’s license. This makes it even more important that every new
driver ensures their ability to drive safely.

completed a drivers ed course online and found it to be
very helpful in learning how to successfully and safely control a
car. In my state, this step is required if you are between the ages
of 16 and 17 while applying for your license. I would, however,
recommend taking a drivers ed course regardless of your
state’s requirements. The minimum driving time to be able to earn a
Class D license in my state is 40 hours, with 6 of these hours being
at night. Driving more hours than this in different weather
conditions and at different times of day ensures that you are
experienced at handling different scenarios and can do so in the
future when you drive alone.

someone who is preparing to obtain a Class D license, I believe it is
very important to ensure that you can properly handle and maneuver a
car before driving it on the main road. I recommend driving laps
around a neighborhood or parking lot to familiarize yourself with the
controls of each car you learn to drive. This is important because
every car functions differently. For example, some cars experience
delays between when you take your foot off the brake and when the car
starts rolling. Some cars require more stopping distance than others
or more space to safely change lanes. Being familiar with the
controls and characteristics of your car is essential to staying out
of accidents. I know many people who begin driving by driving their
parents to and from school. I believe that this is very dangerous,
and many accidents can be caused by a first-time driver with no
experience on the road.

was the victim of a car accident when I was 10 years old. I was
running errands with my mom and older sister when a teenage driver
ran a red light. My mom was making a right-hand turn and the other
driver smashed into our bumper just past the driver’s door.
Thankfully, none of us were hurt by the accident. However, being
aware of my surroundings has become doubly important to me since this
event. I am determined to never become so used to driving that I take
unnecessary risks or do not correctly evaluate critical situations
while driving. These steps have contributed to my ability to drive
safely and thoughtfully.